Chapter 9 - Boys... I was busy thinking 'bout boys.

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"Kurt," I sigh.

"Hey, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join me for -"

"Kurt! My man!"

Thank God.

"Alex, we're still on later, right?" Damon asks, pulling a chair up and straddling it.

I didn't miss the glare Kurt sends him.

"Yup," I tell him.

"Where's Hanson?" Lils asks sweetly.

"Getting some sort of surprise ready," Damon easily replies.

"You shithead, you weren't supposed to tell her!" Kurt hisses.

I sigh and decide to go to class early.

Oh, here comes Hanson.

I nudge Lils and whisper, "Boyfriend, 12 o'clock! I'm outta here."

She gives me a quick smile before she turns her attention to Hanson, strutting with his golden curly locks jumping up and down.

I've got P.E next period, so I begrudgingly take my sports uniform out of my locker and change into it.

Huffing, I enter the gym. And can I just say that despite all my years of being at this school, I'm still not used to the stench of sweat and stinky clothes. I can't help but crinkle my nose and scrunch my face up in disgust as soon as I walk in.

"No, no, no! Holly, you're meant to flip after I do my aerial and splits combo! Not before!"

God, does she ever stop screeching orders at those cheerleader-wanna be's? They look more like twigs, to be honest.

I try to cut across the gym by walking on the side lines of the basketball court. Hiding my face behind my jet black, dead straight hair, I almost make it when I'm suddenly halted by a high pitch voice.

"What the hell?! Get away from the court unless you don't wanna be squashed, idiot!"

I slowly turn to see a tall, slender brunette making her way over to me.

Jessica Hayes. There's really no ther way to describe other than she's the biggest bitch at school. Queen Bee and Daddy's girl, who by the way is the principal and basically has everyone falling at her feet.

She raises her perfectly arched eyebrows at me and clicks her tongue impatiently, her arms resting on her almost non-existent waist.

"I was just leaving," I grit through my teeth.

"Excuse me?" Wow. Just when I thought her voice couldn't get any higher.

"Do you mind moving out of my way, Jessica?" I ask sarcastically.

She splutters before I roll my eyes and decide to walk on the actual court this time.

Seriously, you'd think she owned the whole universe, the way she's acting.

I sit in the farthest corner, earplugs in and scrolling through through Instagram for 15 minutes before Lils plops her butt next to me.

I take my earplugs out only to hear her sigh dramatically.

"What's wrong?"


"Okay, I'm gonna need more than a one-word answer, Lils."

She looks up at me and asks, "Do you think I'd look prettier if I was white?"


"If I was white," she starts. She sighs again before saying, "I'm black, right? Do you think I'd be prettier if I was white? If I had long blonde hair and flawless white skin?"

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