Chapter 3: The Raid

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***A/N: I've changed the photo Kurt Hartman. ^^ Please bare with me, as I proof read through the chapters.
                                              S.S GOYAL

Kurt's POV

I'm a 17 year old badass, on the run and part of a gang with three other guys and loving it.

I mean, I don't have Mom and Dad to nag me everyday, I don't need to pay for the rent of our shared penthouse and I don't have anything to worry about. What else could I ever want or need?

An actual life maybe, the back of my mind whispered.

"Kurt, we're raiding another gang. Suit up," Axel orders.

"Roger that," I say, saluting.

Axel glares at me, Hanson laughs and salutes back, while Damon just rolls his eyes.

I go up to my room and pull back the first drawer from the bottom. Under all my t- shirts, I grab my gun and black beanie with two eye holes. I put my black gloves on and slip on a plain black zip up cardigan over my t - shirt, which is, of course, black too.

"Kurt, hurry the f*** up!" Axel shouts.

"I'm done! Coming!" I call back.

I run back downstairs and look at the others. They pretty much look the same as me, except Axel's beanie was red; he's the leader of the gang. Damon, Hanson and I are just 3 guys of the whole group. Apparently, there are more than 50 people in the gang, all spread out through the city. Axel's only the leader 'coz his dad's the top officer around here and he knows about the gang and protects us.

"You ready, rookie?" Hanson asks me.

"This is my third raid, Hans, I'm not a rookie anymore," I tell him, re - loading my gun.

"Whatever you say," he replies.


"Rookie," he adds, running out of the penthouse quicker than you could say, "Dead man."

We all pile up in the raiding car; it's pitch black with tainted windows. Of course, Axel's the driver, but at least I'm in the passenger seat.

Less than 20 minutes later, he stops the car and tells us to get out. He has to park the car somewhere hidden but not too far away from the raid.

"Let's go," Damon says, leading the way.

I check my watch. 11:30 P.M.

I take a deep breath as Damon kicks the door open and shouts, "Hands on your head where I can see them! No one move and no one gets hurt!"

A few women scream, but the rich men who are closest to them quickly covertheir mouths since Damon barks, "Shut the f*** up or I'm gonna shoot you right now!"

Hanson and I stuff the straw sacks with as much money and jewellery we could find, while Damon keeps control of everyone, making sure no one makes a noise.

One of the gamblers stupidly decides to hide his gold chain in his right hand.

"Oi, you. Bald guy. Hand the chain over," Hanson demands.

He shakes his head.

I point my gun at the roof and shot once. Then twice.

He shakes his head again.

I point my gun at him this time.

His face quickly turns pale as he passes the chain to Hanson.

"Is that everything?" Axel asks, bursting through the door.

"Pretty sure," I say.

"Get down!" Axel orders, kicking down a woman who looks like she's in her late fifties.

"Axel, leave the poor woman alone," I angrily mutter, helping her sit up.

"My name is NOT Axel."

"Guys, let's go. The police is gonna get here soon," Hanson tells us, already at the door carrying both sacks.

"You're a good man, you shouldn't be doing this," the old woman quickly whispers to me, as her husband comes to comfort her.

I stare at her for a second.

"Rookie!" Hanson shouts. "We're going. NOW!"

I turn my back on the old couple.

I run out, following the others. Axel slams the door close, before we sprint for the car.

We all get in and he passes the speed limit by a lot, but I don't give two shits.

I just don't want to get caught.

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