Chapter one part 2

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Hi people here's part two. Also I forgot to mention I'm making Percy about 25 and Loki 26 (did any of you ever notice how he looks about 26 in the movies?) and also you know how Alex's invisibility hat is supposedly blue right? well after seeing Alex cheat on her her favorite color is still blue but she's starting to like green better for reasons that will be explained in the (probably) near future,it all depends on how much people like this story I don't really care about votes I just want to feel the satisfaction of having another Lokixpercy story.I think I'll have Percy and Loki know each other from there childhood and Percy is also pretty smart *sigh* it's my dream fanfics all rolled into one

🇺🇸Steve POV 🇺🇸

It was a peaceful  morning in the avengers tower...WRONG it loud and noisy. Tony was being chased by Natasha while I was making waffles (blue waffles anyone?) having finally figured out the waffle machine. Clint was playing call of duty on the Xbox and Bruce was in the lab no surprise there,Thor was on Asgard but would be coming later after Loki's trials. After eating, a mechanical voice said announced that Thor had arrived on the roof and was joining us in the kitchen,we sat waiting in the kitchen with Nat and Clint talking in the background suddenly the elevator dinged opening up to reveal Thor as well as Loki. Tony started shouting "what's reindeer games doing here!" Loki looked up glaring at Tony "I'm being punished seeing Odin thought taking my magic away wasn't enough" breaking the silence I asked if anyone would like to join me for a walk no one answered so I started out when I Loki say "I'll go" everyone stared at him. "It's better one of  you then all of you" he said following me to the elevator

🐢Percy 🐢

I decided to take only a spare change of clothes, some water and some nectar in a small bag. I took my camp necklace and left it on my shelf  unlocking my full powers,you see I didn't only have water powers I also got Hestia,Hades as well as the fates powers seeing as Hades and Hestia gave me there blessing while the fates where fading so now I'm the goddess of  fate,shadows,elements,Magic,transformation into any animal and anything as well as the ability to talk to animals I also have wings and pet snake as well as a wolf  I can also turn anyone into a god or take away their immortality. I didn't want the power but on the bright side I have a snake and wolf as my sacred animals.  Where was I? Oh yea so I decided to walk to my moms apartment instead of driving cause I needed the time to think.

American time skip

I reached the city and headed towards Central Park,i climbed up a tree and took out my laptop hacking into SHIELD files looking for an other living relatives just in case something happens to mom. I found none so I looked at the latest videos on YouTube I didn't see anything interesting so I put my laptop away and started singing (video on top imagine her voice sounding exactly like the girl in the video) I closed my eyes so of course I didn't see the two men sit down on the bench under the tree before I started singing. About in the middle of the song I sensed two people beneath me staring I continued singing

🐍Loki 🐍

I stood in the elevator lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize we where at the park. Rodgers suggested sitting in the shade under an impossible tree to climb so climbing into the tree was a no, at least without magic. Suddenly I heard singing it was a beautiful voice I didn't move trying to pinpoint the voice I looked up and I saw a women singing in the tree above as she finished singing Rodger started getting up and heading in the direction of the tower so I followed I looked back and barely saw her face because of the leafs. I turned to Steve and ran after him.

🐢Percy 🐢

I knew that face. Those eyes that haunted me in my sleep. The eyes that belonged to my long lost best friend. His name? Loki

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Percy Jackson and the avengers (definite Loki x Percy) female Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now