Chapter 5

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Loki POV

I sat staring at Percy thinking about how beautiful she looked as she prepared for acrobatics. Romanoff started by doing a series of flips and handstands while Percy stood there waiting for the spy to finish. Percy started "Jarvis can you start the moving 2nd degree red lasers please" "yes miss Jackson" I started to object but she glared at me as if daring me to say something. She put her hip length hair in a tight bun and started going through the lasers doing flips,twists,turns and spins and made it to the end. "Where did you learn that? You could barely make it through a simple lvl 5 non moving harmless lasers" "like I said Loki 15 years is a long time" "it's not my fault Thor was a tattletale and told Odin that I kept coming to Midgard" "Loki if there's one thing I know about you is that you never give up if didn't come back to at least explain then you obviously changed Serpent" "you called me Serpent" "no I didn't" "yes you did" by now we were nose to nose "no I didn't" "did too" "did not" "did too" she started laughing saying "remember that time we were arguing about what's better a dagger or a sword and then mom came out saying the cookies were done and then we started arguing about who gets the last cookie and I tricked you saying there was a snake behind you and fell for it" we were both laughing like idiot by now leaning on each other for support. While we were arguing the avengers were looking between us like a tennis match.

🐈Andy POV 🐈

While Percy was racing Steve I went down to the car and got my cat and Percy's charm bracelet (Percy's pets and weapons are the charms on the bracelet) as well as the bag with our stuff in it. I headed back to the gym just in time to see Loki and Percy nose to nose in an argument so I sat down next to Nat as she explained what happened next thing I know Loki and Percy are on each other's shoulder laughing so hard they were crying I decided to give Percy the charm bracelet "Percy think fast" without even looking she caught it. Loki must have told her something funny since o she started laughing again. I started petting Crookshanks (her cat) "Percy put your bracelet on"

🐺Percy POV 🐺

I put my charm bracelet on and accidentally pulled the wolf and snake charms activating them in aka causing all hell to break loose. My snake one of the longest in the world,turned into a small garden snake leaving Loki fawning all over. My wolf however was not the same he immediately started towards the avengers pulling me with him giving me no choice but use my wings, each wing was about 20 feet long so basically it caused a LOT of wind but on the bright side at least it stopped Lupin from attacking the avengers. Anyway after  Lupin into a charm again I started working on making the wings disappear. Finally I got my wings to go away leaving me to deal with a super excited Tony who somehow got one of my feathers, one seemingly happy Nick Fury, two spies who were staring at me with a questioning look , one Steve who looked like he just saw an angel and one Bruce who looked like he was about to faint. Finally breaking the silence Fury said " your an avenger welcome to the tiny family of lunatics"

Percy Jackson and the avengers (definite Loki x Percy) female Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now