Chapter 8

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Alright guys heard chapter 8. So I wanted to tell you this cause I thought its funny, I have a younger sister and every time there's a rustle that sounds like a wrapper she looks up and says "what do you have I won't tell mom" and I'm like nope nada I ain't telling you anything cause every time I tell you no matter what you always tell mom
Percy POV

"Ex daughter of Poseidon" I muttered Thor and Loki gasped while Tony started asking what we were talking about. "What do you mean ex daughter?" "Poseidon and the Olympians decided that they didn't need useless old me anymore and Poseidon disowned me making me leave camp find mom dead and leading all the events up to now" "Percy the gods nee-" "nope nada nie not happening go fight your own battle for once and Chase I'm not taking you back even if Chaos herself told me to" "bu-" "nope" "but you can't deny me I'm a god" he smirked as if he had achieved something "guess what I don't care and if I was meant to be controlled I would have come with instructions but since I didn't I guess that means ya ain't the boss of me you foul loathsome evil little cockroach (harry Potter reference anyone?)" "well you should and your coming to my palace on Olympus" " how about..not and who cares if your a god when I could easily make you mortal with just a thought what was that, so sorry I couldn't hear it over the wall called your pride" behind me I heard Loki and Tony snickering saying "burned" while Loki said "Persassy Jacksasson has returned" I turned around and walked towards the elevator head high yet again leaving a still laughing Andy,Tony and Loki behind. I waited for Lupin and the kitten who I decided to call Sassy to catch up before closing the elevator doors. Once in my room I changed into my bathing suit a green bikini and headed for the pool grabbing a towel on my way out.

 Once in my room I changed into my bathing suit a green bikini and headed for the pool grabbing a towel on my way out

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I circled the pool and headed to the deepest part of the pool and jumped in

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I circled the pool and headed to the deepest part of the pool and jumped in. I started to think about Loki, and by thinking I mean imagining me and him in a relationship, honestly I tried not to think about him in that way after all why would he like someone as lowly as me. I tried not thinking about him I really tried and yet my mind kept drifting back to him. I started dozing of still under water. By the time I woke up 2 hours passed so I swam up and climbed onto the edge of the pool willing myself dry.

Loki POV

I was still laughing with Andy and Stark when I noticed everyone staring at me. "Brother that is the longest I have ever heard you laugh" "Thor,Thor,Thor naive oblivious Thor, there is a lot of things you do not know about me" I opened the elevator and headed to my room thinking about Percy about how beautiful she looked when she- HOLD up I shouldn't be thinking about her like that after all why would she like someone like me I killed 80 people in 2 days and tried to take over the world. I decided to go look for Percy she always had good ideas on what to do when bored granted the fact we usually ended up in trouble. I knocked on Percy's door "Percy are you in there?" "Miss Jackson is in the pool sir" I jumped then looked around "who's there?" "I am mister Starks AI, you may call me Jarvis sir" "thank you Jarvis" i headed to the pool and found Percy sitting on the edge deep in thought. I stood there staring at her mouth open. She looked to where I was standing and got up walking towards me until I could feel her breath.

Percy POV

I felt someone staring at me causing me to look up and see Loki standing there. I got up and walked towards him stopping right in front of him. I slowly closed the gap between us. For a second he didn't kiss back I was about to pull back when he started kissing back. I put my hands around his neck pulling us closer together I started to pull back not really wanting to and opened my eyes. I stood staring into his emerald eyes " what does this make us" I asked breaking the silence " I believe it means you would have the honor of answer my question of would you be my girlfriend?" I faked a thinking face " yes I would be honored to be your girlfriend" I grinned at him. He pulled me into a kiss once again

So guys and girls I know I didn't update but I didn't have time anyway as always comment what you think

Percy Jackson and the avengers (definite Loki x Percy) female Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now