Chapter 4

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Ok guys so I'm just gonna describe Percy: since she has new powers her control over the elements gives her a green streak a blue streak, and a tattoo full of symbols showing her domains. Now on with the story

🐍Loki POV 🐍
I sat on the bed in the room I would be staying in. I started getting up to go to the living room hoping none of the avengers were there I started opening the door when it snapped shut I heard shouting meaning the avengers were locked as well. Stark was telling seemingly nothing to open the door,I was still pushing the door when it opened itself making everyone except me to fall on the floor  in the hallway. I started heading towards the elevator with the avengers following me. After a VERY silent silence, we reached the living room I being in the lead stopped making Stark run into me. He started complaining then noticed what I was staring at gasped causing the rest of the avengers to look. The women on the couch stood up and turned around causing me to gasp she looked so familiar I couldn't place where I knew her from,she started coming towards me stoping right in front of me. "Nice to know your still alive Serpent" "Viper?"I manage to get out "no Viper is the one who trusted you, the one who never kept even her darkest secrets away from you,the one I'm sure you remember the one you left and never told you were leaving or even told her goodbye!" By the end she was yelling then it hit me "Percy?" I asked quietly. Before I knew what happened she slapped me and let me tell you it HURT. Then she moved on to the two spies Barton and Romanov (did I spell that correctly?) and started yelling at them about something but I wasn't listening I was staring at the child standing smirking while shaking her head. By now Percy was crying so I asked "Percy who's the child?" Now everyone's attention was on the child who was still smiling "gee Percy I knew you said we were visiting a friend but I thought you meant to talk to not make them look like they just broke their mothers favorite vase by using your lvl 1 scream on them" I just stared at her, Honestly if that was a lvl 1 scream then I do not want to hear her lvl 10 scream. "Sooo who are you?" That of course was Starks way of breaking the silence.

🛠Tony POV 🛠
"You'll see in 5...4...3...2...1.. *cue elevator opening* fury stepped out holding a file while not looking where he was going. "Avengers I have a mission for you, you must catch Persephone Jackson according to SHIELD's file she should be..." finally as if he just noticed the silence he looked up to see the all of us looking between him and the women while Loki was staring at the women matching SHIELD's file picture exactly. Fury's jaw dropped ""

🐢Percy POV 🐢

I smirked. The tears on my face disappeared as I held my hands out as he snapped out of his shock snapping the handcuffs on "JARVIS can you prepare the room beside Loki's room please and the empty one across from that for me and Andy" "yes miss Jackson" "well lead the way Fury" Fury's face held disbelief and suspicion but pointed to a room in the hallway that lead to the kitchen I sat down on the chair waiting while taking the handcuffs off suddenly the door opened and into the room came lo and behold,his truly, Nick Fury. He sat down in the chair across from me I waved at the seemingly impossible to see trough glass shocking the avengers and Loki "we will be checking your stamina,strength and fighting ability. I shrugged and nodded "Nick,you might want these"I said throwing the handcuffs at him. He lead me as well as the avengers,Loki and Andy to the gym. I inspected the gym taking in the equipment. There was a Olympic sized pool, a track, a wrestling slash boxing ring, a archery/gun area sword/dagger dummies and last but not least an acrobatics equipment. I smirked this was gonna be easy. "First you will race the Captain I got ready "I'll go easy on you" I told Steve, in the background I heard Stark say "ya right" while Loki was like "don't underestimate her" while rubbing his right shoulder as if remembering something "don't worry Loki next time I'll do your left shoulder" I told him, he shuddered and backed away while I smirked Fury shouted go while I started jogging Steve barely keeping up "I told you I'll go easy on you" I told him he stopped jaw open,I continued by time he caught up I was crossing the finish line. The avengers were still staring mouths open "your gonna catch flies" while Loki said "told you not to underestimate her" to me he said "you've gotten better" "15 years is a long time Loki"I replied dryly,he flinched. Sooo who's next? "Romanov against you in acrobatics" "I'll go easy on you Nat but only this once" she nodded

To be continued....

Percy Jackson and the avengers (definite Loki x Percy) female Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now