Chapter seven

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🐍Percy POV 🐺

I started getting ready for bed,after brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a fishtail braid I checked to make sure Andy was sleeping. I locked the door to my room "Jarvis turn off all hidden cameras and spy bugs" "all done" "thanks" as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out cold. To bad for me fate hates me so of COURSE dirt face herself decided to show up and surprise surprise torture me. "Ah Persephone Jackson it's been awhile" "yes well apparently Alex decided that letting him climb on me just to save him from any torture down here was nothing and he also seemed to forget that it could have been him down here instead of me" "you know I might just give you a mild torture session instead of the normal one" "thanks cause I really don't want to wake the whole buildi..oh shoot I forgot to soundproof the room" "let's start shall we?" And so the torture began. I woke up at 4:00am I got up knowing I wouldn't be going back to sleep I put on a darker green shirt and a camo jacket brown boots a hand bag and jeans with a knit scarf

 I woke up at 4:00am I got up knowing I wouldn't be going back to sleep I put on a darker green shirt and a camo jacket brown boots a hand bag and jeans with a knit scarf

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I headed for the park. An hour later about 5am I was passing an ally when I heard faint meowing I slowly headed into the ally looking into the cardboard box sitting deep in the shadows inside I saw the cutest little kitten ever. I knew it wasn't a normal kitten it looked sort of like a small white with black spots cheetah. (totally made up but there is a domestic cat that loves like it) I decided to keep it and put it in my bag while giving it warm milk I headed back to the tower to see Steve up and preparing for his daily jog. He glanced at me and then did a double take "what are you doing up this early?" "I couldn't sleep"
He nodded I entered the elevator waiting for it to reach the 25th floor. I unlocked my door and closed it behind me . I took out the kitten and And set it down in the middle of the room, instead of exploring like I expected she came straight towards me jumping onto my lap. I conjured a kitten basket while pulling my wolf charm. Lupin  (her wolf) immediately sat down awaiting her command "guard the kitten while I'm gone" Lupin lied down next to the basket while keeping an eye on the kitten. By now it was 8am so I opened the vent entrance and climbed in heading towards Clint's room I dropped down and turned all his stuff a depressing black instead of the son of Apollo's usual yellow. I covered my tracks and headed towards Natasha's room changing everything into bright pink and replacing her weapons with makeup and glitter I smirked it was perfect. I climbed back into the vents and towards Tony's room. I dropped down and covered his hand with whipped cream while charming a feather to tickle him on the nose while telling Jarvis to record all of there reactions I left Thor alone.. NOT I took each and every one of the pop tart boxes and hid them to keep suspicion off me I made an illusion of myself and placed it on my bed, then I snuck into Andy's room with an air horn and duck taped it to her desk seat while charming it to keep blowing as long as someone was sitting on on the chair as well as charming it to be invisible. And man did my work pay off. Soon enough you could hear Natasha screaming,Clint shouting and Tony saying that he's blind and somebody turned the lights off 5seconds later an air horn sounded making Andy fall off her seat the fake me rolled out of bed and opened the door asking what the noise was about at the same time as Loki opened the door unharmed and without a shirt on, he glanced at fake me and frowned causing the avengers including Thor who was yelling about his pop tarts disappearing finally Natasha broke the silence asking Loki why 1 he didn't have a shirt on and 2 what he was staring at, instead of answering he put his hand on fake me's shoulder causing fake me to dissolve into nothing. Everyone gasped while Loki said "Viper come out come out wherever you are" aww come on Serpent your gonna have to find me" I answered with glee while running away towards the elevator exactly as Steve and a blonde stepped out making us collide and reveal me from under the invisibility spell,I was about to fall when the blonde guy caught me. I turned to thank the guy when I noticed:blonde hair? Check. startling grey eyes?check. Look of absolute shock? Definite check, yes in front of me stood in all his glory Alexander Chase my ex. I stared at him when suddenly the elevator opened yet again revealing Lupin and the kitten who was now the size of a fox, both growling and hissing Lupin showing her (she can change her gender) teeth while the kitten had her back arched. The kitten jumped on Alex scratching and biting him. I gently took the kitten into my arms petting it while it shrank to the size of a hamster. I stood smirking at Alex while calling Lupin to me,she sat down next to my feet awaiting my command. Before I could say anything he started kissing me while I judo flipped him and kicked where The sun don't shine HARD while punching his face breaking his nose. "You *punch*don't *punch* cheat *punch* on *punch* a *punch* women *kick* and *judo flip* expect *punch* them *punch* to *punch* take *punch* you *punch* back and you would do well to remember that Alexander Chase." I was still trying to punch him while Loki held me back. "Oookk now mind explaining why you went all out on Alex here?" "I didn't go all out that was just lvl one but if ya hadn't held me back I probably would have left him with a very wounded pride and several broken bones and let's just say he wouldn't be to have children for a long time" all the guys winced while Natasha smirked highfiving me. Thor gasped "that is why you look so familiar you the Persephone Jackson The Who slayed half of Greek mythology's monsters the only daughter of Poseidon to ever exist" "ex daughter of Poseidon"

To be continued...  hi guys as usual comment what you think while I start the next chapter. Cheerio mates!

Percy Jackson and the avengers (definite Loki x Percy) female Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now