Chapter 6

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"The butterflies are so happy!" I said as I pranced through the fields of flowers that have just blossomed. The deers pranced along with me and we smiled at the sky, with the sun shining so bright that my sunglasses lost it's purpose.

I ducked down to take a smell of the daisies, pansies, and pink carnations. They're fragrance was ever so addicting. As I plowed through the fields of flowers with the deers and the birds and butterflies following me, we all stopped. Our game of hide and seek began, because we all knew it was the right time to play with out telling eachother.


"LEAAAAAH! LEEEEEEEEEE!! LEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" Gio yells at the top of his lungs, from his room.


"Grace is skyping you." Gio says and I lazily get out of bed. I click on the answer button and Grace is sitting there, completely unaware of the fact that I just woke up.

"Grace, how many times do I have to tell you there's this thing called TIME ZONES and we're at different times!" 

"Sorry! I'm just really bored!"

"Ugh, okay well let me get ready first."

"Okay, girlie." Grace says and I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. I change into a new shirt and pants.

"Let's talk!" Grace says as soon as she sees me in my room.

"Okay, well you interupted my dream of running through the fields of flowers with deers and butterflies."

"Oh, I don't care. So, how's Gio?"

"Since when did you care about Gio?!" I said surprised.

"Um, I don't know I uh, I just was um just asking..." she answers awkwardly.

"HI, GRACE!" Gio runs from his room and barges into mine. He grins and waves at Grace, who lights up and waves back. Something fishy is going on.

"Get out!" I swat Gio's arm and shoo him out. Grace laughs as I kick his butt which makes him whimper.

"What happened?" I asked right after Gio leaves and I shut the door.


"Seriously, what happened? Why are you guys acting weird all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing! I'm fine!"

"Grace, I've known you for over 5 years, you better tell me what happened."

"Well, you didn't tell me you had a date with Zayn!"

"IT WASN'T EVEN A DATE! WHO TOLD YOU?!" I yell a little too loud than I intended it to be.

"Gee." Grace mumbles.


"Gio..." she says softly.

"When did you guys talk?!"

"Calm down, we talked yesterday when I skyped you, but you weren't there, so Gio answered and told me you were on a date."

"IT IS NOT A DATE!" I practically scream.

"Oh my gosh, Leah I was kidding! You freak over the smallest of things!"

"Shut up, now tell me what happened and why you guys are acting weird."

"No, tell me what you and Mr. Malik did first."

"No! I asked first!"

"Well then that's too bad. I guess I'll just go then..." her voice trails off.

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