Chapter 2

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Today was going to be a long day.

I arrived at the office only to discover that there was a fire yesterday, which laid claim to an entire complex. One of the casualties happened to be the menswear store where I purchased all of my dress clothes. While I'm glad everyone is alive and well, I now had to go through the process of locating a new store. Unfortunately, I am one of those people that doesn't do too well with change. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Too late now, though.

To top it all off, my girlfriend and I had officially broken up last night. We had been dating on and off for four years, and I knew it was going nowhere. But it was one of those things that you know is bad for you, but you hold onto it anyway. Things finally came to a head though, and we decided it was the best choice for us both.

My name is Kendra, but I prefer that people call me Kenny. I'm an Insurance Claims Adjuster, and while it's not the most exciting, it pays the bills. My thought process was interrupted by a piece of paper sliding across my desk.

"Good morning Kenny, here is your appointment list," it was Cherri, our Receptionist.

"Good morning Cherri. Thanks," I said.

"You're welcome," she smiled, "How's Racheal? Did you two do anything fun and exciting last night?" Cherri has a crush on me, and she doesn't care how blatant she is when showing her interest. Unfortunately for her, the feelings are not mutual.

I knew she was only fishing for information on my now previous relationship. I dreaded answering her honestly, because I knew in her mind, Racheal was the only thing standing in the way of mine and Cherri's happily ever after. Don't get me wrong, she's an attractive girl, but she is immature, and thrives on drama. Those are qualities that I don't have time for.

"We are no longer together," I hesitantly answered. She made a failed attempt at hiding her elation while pretending to care.

"I'm so sorry Kenny. If there is anything you need, just let me know," she said while practically lying on my desk.

I deliberately focused my attention elsewhere, "Thanks Cherri. I should get to work now," I thanked her as I turned to my computer to begin the day. Thankfully, she took the hint, and sauntered off towards the front.

By lunch, I had met with the owner of the fast food restaurant, and the owner of the menswear store. I still had yet to meet with the owners of the ice cream shop and the cake shop. I was grateful for the break, and hoped that the afternoon would pass by quickly.

Before I could leave, Cherri was to my left, "Hey Kenny, any plans for lunch?" she asked.

"Yes, actually, I have a personal errand to run," I responded.

"Oh," her face fell slightly, "I was going to ask if you wanted to grab something from the Café down the street."

"Maybe next time, but thanks anyway," I said to her as I made my way out to my car.

I didn't have anything to do, but I couldn't deal with Cherri's presence at the moment. I drove to a local park, and bought a burger and fries from one of the many food trucks that frequented the area. I found a secluded park bench, and ate my lunch in peace.

While I ate, I had time to think about how different my life was now going to be. I have friends, but Racheal was the jealous type. Most of my time was either spent with just the two of us, or with Racheal and her people.

Now that it would be just me again, I had to start making plans to start doing things for myself again.

Maybe next weekend I'll call my friends to hang out; this weekend belongs to me.

I finished my lunch, cleaned up and headed back to the office. The ice cream shop owner was waiting for me when I returned, and I finished with him quickly.

That left one more appointment, and then I could finally go home. I busied myself with work until the final appointment arrived. I became so engrossed; I didn't even realize there was someone standing in front of me.

"Excuse me, Kenny?" I heard a voice say. I looked up, and came face to face with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had caramel colored, sun-kissed skin, curly hair that fell down to her shoulders, full, kissable lips, a button nose, and deep brown eyes encased by long eyelashes. You're staring, quit staring!

I stood abruptly and extended my hand, "Hi, yes, I'm Kenny. I apologize. I must have gotten caught up." Her petite, soft hand embraced mine, and she flashed me the most blinding smile.

"Not a problem. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me on such short notice," she said. The sight of her smile caused my stomach to clench.

You're staring again, stop staring. And let go of her hand! Damn it Kenny! What is going on with me? I dropped her hand, maybe a little too quickly. If she noticed, she didn't show it.

"Please, have a seat," I offered her.

"Thank you," she replied as she took the chair across from mine. "Thank you again, I can only imagine that you would want to be anywhere but here on such a beautiful Saturday. I'll try not to take up too much of your time," she apologized for the second time.

Was she serious? I would choose to spend time with her over anything, on any day. She flashed another one of her dazzling smiles, and I instantly felt my nether regions tingle. Get your shit together Kenny, you have work to do. I made myself focus.

"It's no trouble at all, Ms. ..."

"Olivia, but you can call me Liv," she said.

"Well, Liv, let's get started," I replied. It didn't take as long as I'd hoped, and I found myself anxious about her leaving. Suddenly, I felt as if I had to start asking her questions to keep her around. "I'm sorry about Piece of Cake," I began, "If the paperwork is correct, you're the founder?"

"Yes," she sadly looked towards the desk, "It was my baby. I can purchase another store front, but it will never be Piece of Cake." She looked as if she were on the verge of tears.

Smooth Kenny, real smooth.

Instinctively, I placed my hand on hers to comfort her. The pure electricity that shot through my hand was enough to make me lightheaded. "I hope everything works out for you. In the meantime, your check should arrive in the mail within the next week." I stood and extended my hand again, "Good luck, Liv."

"Thank you again, Kenny," she thanked me one final time, and shook my hand before turning and exiting my office.

Good God, I thought as I sunk back into my chair. I need to get out of here before I spontaneously combust. I quickly gathered my things, and left, rushing to get home. It felt like it was going to be a long night.

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