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Your POV


So much of it...

This war between the Black and Red Armies has been going on for so long now. Grim has been growing restless and taking his anger out on me every time we go into battle. He's treating me like a child again- no, he treating me like I'm just some kind of toy he can throw around. Like an old attack dog. He's always treated me like trash ever since he took me as a child from my family in Norway. But after he had his scientists experiment on me and turn me into a monster...this...reckless killer...he's been as cruel as possible to me. Just so that I'd kill everyone in sight when I was thrown into the battle field.

I can never forget all those screams...all the bodies...all the blood...

One nightmare after the other, making my sanity slowly disappear. In the last battle, I was going to kill myself in battle. Until I saw him...Red Leader. The look he gave me when I first met him in battle as the monster Grim turned me into. The look in the Red Leader's eyes when he saw me was fear and hatred. As he aimed the gun at me, I gladly stood there waiting for him to pull the trigger and closed my eyes. But he didn't shot. I remember when I looked at him, he gave me this confused look like he couldn't understand.

"Why?" he asked me in my monstrous form, "Why are you backing down now?" I was too tired to do anything. Too tired to move, to think. The only response he got was an deep, exhausted whine from the beast that stumbled before him. He only grew angrier and glared at me.

"Why aren't you finishing the job?! Get up and fight, you monster!!" His yells got nothing out of me as I just gave him a pleading stare to end it himself. He could've shot me in the eye or stabbed me in the neck just to end the war.

But he didn't.

Last thing I remember after that is shifting back into my human form and passing out in front of him. Not long after, I woke up in my cell to Grim yelling at me and calling me useless. That's when he made the mistake of telling me about his new plan as some sort of punishment. He's was going to bomb my home. He was going to bomb Norway. After he showed me the key to his weapon, everything just happened all at once. More screams, more blood. I couldn't see anything I was doing, but I knew I had turned back into that monster. Last thing I heard was an explosion in the distance before passing out again. I had finally escaped that hell hole.

Timeskip to a few weeks later:

After I manage to run away from the Black Army, I've been trying to make a living in England. Though in this time, I realized two things. I had two of the most dangerous weapons of war with me and I had destroyed an entire base. When I first woke up from my episode, I found the key that Grim showed me on the ground next to me. I assumed it flew to me from the explosion then kept it with me ever since. And as if that was enough trouble already, I could barely keep a job with the new ID, which lend to unpaid rent then finally getting kicked out. The same night I got kicked out, I decided to go to a local bar in town to drink my sorrows away. It worked for a while with what seemed an endless conversation with the bartender. Finally I passed out, only to be woken again by someone taking the seat beside me. I didn't care at first due to being drunk till I heard the man speak to his friends who were further down the row. The voice of the only man who's showed me mercy. Red Leader...Tord Larsson.

((There you have it, folks. I honestly don't know if that's his last name, but I've seen it multiple times. I'm planning on continuing this cause it's been itching my side for so long, I might as well get it over with. I hope you'll enjoy.))

Black Fire, Red Heart ~ Tord x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now