Back From the Past

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Your POV

3 Months Later...

Tord, Paul, Patryk and I have been moving from base to base, training all the soldiers at each one for the upcoming invasion on the Black Army bases, which was suppose to happen in two weeks. So far, we've been to 6 out of the 11 Red Army bases. As for myself, I've been exhausted from training and restless nights from Tord's..."needs". I didn't mind it since we were an official couple now, but, hell, he wasn't kidding when he said his lust had been bottled up for so long. If I've been paying attention, I've been getting 3 to 6 hours of sleep. Today, Tord saw that I needed some rest and told me I should rest in the room given to us and catch  some rest. Honestly, I didn't really want to with how much I meant to the Red Army, so I came up with a little "game" of hide and seek. He chuckled when I first told him about it then agreed.

"Alright, but if Patryk, Paul or I find you, you'll need to pull three tanks behind you in your monster form for a mile," he spoke smugly, earning a smirk from me.

"Yea, well if I can hide for at least 3 hours, what do I get?"

"Well, want would you like?"

"I don't really want anything," I snickered as he gave me an in-amused expression, making me a bit nervous. He sighed then ruffed my hair, smiling and earning and giggle from me as I hugged him.

"I'll think of something for you," he said while petting my head, "In the mean time, go hide. We'll be looking for you soon." I nodded and kissed his cheek before running off. It took a while, but I found an old storage room that I could hide in between the shelves, covered in camouflage. This army was truly known for their endless ammunition, this room alone could prove that if they had one at every base. I suppose that it's all from Tord's love for guns.  

3 Hours Later

The time I agreed on with Tord was up, so I decided to move from my spot and head for the training grounds. When I spotted Patryk, I hid behind one of the tanks and sat down till the coast was clear. That's when I saw some unfamiliar soldiers against the inner wall, walking from a rope that was being pulled away by something. Black Army soldiers. Both fear and anger took over my mind as I watched them carefully, question running through my head as I soon followed them. After a few moments, I found myself crawling in my monster form, my tail swaying patiently for my prey.

"King raven to black sparrow, over" a intercom on one of the soldiers went off, making the entire group flinch and stop in their tasks, looking at the soldier with the communications device.

"General, please," the soldier spoke into the mic of the device with a sigh.

"Is the bomb set or not, soldier?" A bomb?! I froze in place, keeping myself hidden from the soldiers, my flaps twitching. I knew the Black Army and Grim, I should've expected this considering the position I put them in.

"No, sir, we still need to get in position." I felt my sins crawling up my back as a grin crept along my lips while I licked my teeth, waiting for the satisfying crunch of a body between my teeth. This...lust for blood...their blood....I was going to enjoy every second of their demise by my jaws.

"Hurry up, before-" The intercom was interrupted by one of the soldier yelling in horror at his partners severed body. Hah...he never saw me coming. I licked my lips in amusement as I watched them look around fearfully.

"Soldier, what happened?" The voice from the device called in concern, "Answer me!"

"Sir, one of our own- they're-" the soldier was interrupted by the blood curdling screams of one of the other soldier in my jaws. As I crushed his spine in with my teeth, his screams ceased as the others started to shoot at me, failing to penetrate my black scales. I dropped the lifeless body and went for the others, clawing my way to their leader and snapping my jaws around his head. As I swallowed the others started to panic, not noticing that they ran out of bullets, sealing their death as I spat acid on to them and lighting them in flames. After I was finished, I heard the intercom call out then I smashed it with my tail. Suddenly, the sound of multiples guns cocked as near by Red Army soldiers aimed their guns at me out of fear. I turned my head to them, my red eyes staring all of them down.

"Hva foregår her?!" My flaps perked up to the sound of Tord's voice as the soldier spread away to let him through, only for him to find me covered in the blood of the enemy. I lowered my head a bit, afraid that he would yell....but he didn't.
((Hva foregår her? = What's going on here?))

"(Y/N)?" He took a step towards me then I rushed to him, making him stumble a bit as I pushed my head against his chest, whining and wagging my tail. He sighed with relief, but the moment was interrupted by the sound of a helicopter flying over head with it's guns aimed at us. I roared at it, spreading my wings to protect Tord as the guns started to fire. Without a second thought, I leaped towards the flying vessel and latched on to it as I ripped off the guns and the tail. As it started to plummet, I pushed off with my wings spread to keeping my from falling completely as I landed in front of Tord, wrapping my wings around him to protect him from the blast. No soldier sent from the Black Army survived. When I looked down at him, he gave me a shocked expression then smirked.

"Found you, mitt lille monster." I whinned as I buried my snout under his arm then rolled onto my back, making him chuckle and pet my soothingly, "Good girl. Let's get you cleaned up."
((Mitt lille monster = My little monster))

Black Fire, Red Heart ~ Tord x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now