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Your POV

"Tord, careful!"

  I woke up to a familiar voice and a hard floor, along with a scenery I didn't recognize.

'Where am I..?' I thought to myself as I looked around, still lying on the floor. To my surprise, I find Edd crouching beside me with a worried expression on his face.

"See, you woke her up!" Edd snapped at Tord, who seemed to be behind me from where Edd was looking. When I tried to sit up, I yelped from the sudden pain in my arms and back then fell back to the ground.

"D-damnit," I whimpered then looked at Edd, "W-where am I-I..?" I asked him as I closed my eyes, trying to block out the pain surging through my body.

"A-at our place. The bartender told us you didn't have anywhere to go, s-so-" he paused, looking at the others then back to me, "W-well, I couldn't bring myself to j-just leave y-you there." I sighed then looked to Edd with a grateful yet pained expression.

"T-thanks," I said as I rolled on my side to point at Tord, "But I can't say he enjoys me presence." Edd only gave me a confused look then glanced at Tord, who was crossing his arms, a bit annoyed by my comment.

"Well, he at least agreed to bring you with us," Edd confessed, rubbing that back of his neck, "So, I guess everything's in the past now?"

'He didn't,' I thought to myself, 'There's no way, Tord agreed to that...right?' I sighed and muttered "I doubt it," under my breath, wincing as I tried to get up. The pain stopped me once more as I fell down again, "Damnit! I can't fucking do anything!" I slammed my fist on the ground, earning another shock of pain, "This is hopeless, I'm so weak now.." Tord scoffed then sat down on the other side of me.

"Funny, last I checked, you could endure any kind of pain-"

"Oh, will you cut the crap, Tord!" I snapped as I turned my head to glare at him, "Just hurry up and end this, I'm vulnerable and useless and I'm fucking tired...!" Both of the boys gave me a shocked look then looked to each other, stunned by my sudden outburst. Finally, Tord sighed then picked me up bridal style and set me down on the couch gently.

"We'll discuss this later," he spoke calmly, "I'll get you a pillow and blanket." Edd watched him as he walked away then went over to me with a concerned look as his intertwined his fingers together.

"Are-," he hesitated, "Are you alright?" I lied there silently before turning to look at him.

"You're Edd...right?" He nodded, earning a smile from me, "I'm (Y/N). U-um...thanks for...for not leaving my there. I don't think I would've made it through the night." I placed my hand over my eyes and sighed heavily as tears started to form.


"Why are you all being so nice?" I asked, sniffling, "Why is he being nice? I don't deserve this, I don't deserve your kindness." As I lie there sobbing, Edd pulled me into a gentle hug while he tried to calm me down. Soon after, Tord came back and placed the pillow under my head then wrapped the blanket around me. Edd said goodnight then went to his bedroom while Tord sat in front of me, staring. I stared back, tears still clouding my vision.

"You better not be playing around, (Y/N)," he growled, "I won't hesitate to-"

"I just what to die, Tord," I interrupted him, looking him straight into his eyes, "I'm tired." I pulled out my necklace from my black hoodie and showed him a key as it shimmered in the light. It was the key to activate Grim's bombs.

"If you're going to harm me in some way, you might as well kill me and hide this cursed thing," I spoke calmly, "The Black Army doesn't know where I am, but if they were to ever find this key, it's over for you, me and millions of others." I confessed, staring at him. He stared back then sighed.

"So," he started, "You remember who I am. I'm assuming you ran away...?" I nodded, bring the blanket closer to my face. "And Black Leader needs that key for some kind of weapon? Why bring it with you when they could make another-"

"Grim made sure that there wouldn't be any duplicates by making me kill the scientists that made the machine and bombs. And he made the mistake of giving it to me," I answered, tearing up as I clutched the key in my hand, "So, I ended up here...far from the army...from him...not that it matters. I'm probably going to die by your hands, right?" I gave Tord a broken smile then curled into my blanket. He sighed then got closer to me, placing his hand on my head.

"Despite all that you've done, you risked your own life to save millions of other, including me...your enemy-"

"You make it sound like I despise you," I chuckled a bit, interrupting him, "I never had a choice in this damned war until I was given this key. Even then, I'm still not free." I held his hand on my head, "Yet, here we are...I'm in your house, pathetic and weak-"


"And yet, despite the lives that died by my hands, you're showing me mercy," I started crying again, "I don't understand, Tord, you can avenge your fallen soldiers, why are you doing this?" I curled up more sobbing quietly, trembling with each heavy breath. Suddenly, arms wrapped around me, pulling me gently off the couch  and into a warm body. "W-why?-"

"Hush, (Y/N)," Tord spoke, trying to sooth me, "Just breath, don't think about it anymore. Just breath." I nodded as I clutched his red hoodie, trying not to stain it with my tears.

"I'm s-sorry-"

"Shhhh," he hushed me, running his fingers through my (h/c) hair, making my shiver. I started to relax for a bit as I leaned into him, the smell of his cologne tickling my nose. Then I passed out..

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