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((You may like this part. Also: this is for dreams or nightmares))

Your POV

"Will she be alright?"

I woke to the sound of Edd's voice coming from outside the room I woke in. I was wrapped up in a black blanket while lying on the red covers of a bed.. The room was decorated with a couple group photos of all four of them and judging by the excessive amount of red and the gun safe in the corner of the room, I assumed this was Tord's room. . . . The blanket also smelled like him.

"A little more rest should help." There's Tord's voice, "If not...I guess we could try bring her to see a therapist?" ((<-- What is with the spelling of this word, oh my stars...)) Oh my god, no, they wouldn't dare bring to one. Therapy won't help me, in fact, it made things worse when I was still trying to hide myself from the Black Army in America. ((I'm so sorry.))

"Bad idea, commie. Something tells me she's like you and me."

"What?" Tord, Edd and Matt seemed confused by Tom's comment. There was a sigh.

"She's 'unstable'."

"Ohhh, yea, that makes sense," Edd spoke with a nervous chuckle. Tord sighed and muttered something I couldn't hear then opened the door to his room. I snuggled deeper into his blanket, embracing the warmth. As I felt part of the bed sink, I backed up against the wall to give Tord more room to sit down.

"Are you alright?" he asked, staring at the ground.

"I'm better than I was," I answered quietly, " that you're here."

"What?" Shit, what did I just say?! I pulled the blanket over my head, earning a sigh from Tord as he pulled it away, revealing the dark blush on my cheeks. As I looked away from him, he pet my head to try and comfort me then he chuckled.

"How did someone like you end up in the Black Army?" he asked, grinning smugly, earning a glare from me finding his question a bit insulting.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked tiredly. Tord chuckled as he lifted my chin, making me face  him.

"You're gentle," he spoke softly, "Sweet...yet, broken and afraid. Grim broke you then put you back together." I didn't like where this was going.


"Yet, here you are...gentle and sweet," he leaned against me, holding me down with the weight of his body, "And submissive~ To me. Why?" I trembled at the tone of his voice, still looking away from his heart melting gaze.

"Don't be like him," I whimpered, "Please." Tord froze for a moment then sighed and lied down next to me, pulling me closer to him.


"I'm sorry," he spoke quietly as he ran his fingers through my hair, "I shouldn't have acted like that." I curled into him as I started to relax, both his scent and warmth surrounding my senses.

I have to control myself...even if we truly are no longer enemies...I must control myself.

"(Y/N)?" I shook slightly then looked up at Tord as his eyes caught my gaze, "Are you alright?" I sighed.

"Yea. Thank you."

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)." . . . Where am I? It's dark.

"You didn't truly think you could get away, did you?" . . . That voice.

"You belong to me." The darkness revealed a man wearing a black and white military uniform, with deep blue eyes and pitch black hair. His skin looked gray as if he were was Grim. Suddenly, I feel chains lock on to my wrists, ankles, and a collar around my neck. I thrash about out of fear, but it was no use. Grim was in front of me now and he lifted my chin, looking into my eyes with a smirk.

"I should punish you for running away. Then again, you did bring me something good out of it," he chuckled with the lust for power in his eyes.

"W-what are y-you talking about?" I asked then slowly realized what he meant, letting black circle around my (e/c) pupils, "Where is he?"

"Oh, now you care-"

"Answer me, Grim!" I roared, yanking at the chains, making them tighten. He laughed then snapped his fingers to make a light shine on a person who was strapped into a chair. My eyes widen in disbelief.

"Tord!" I cried out, the chains holding me back from running to him. He didn't look at me.

"I trusted you."


"How could you, (Y/N)?" As he looked up at me, I could tell ha had been crying, despite the look of hatred on his face.

"T-Tord, I-I didn't-"

"Why, (Y/N)?!" he yelled then looked away shamefully, "I should've killed you that day I found you." That was it...the breaking point. As I stared at him in shock, Grim injected a serum into my neck and I started to tremble violently while coughing. It was starting.

"N-no.." I fell to the ground, coughing up blood as my body began to change, "T-Tord.." My voice got deeper as my vision began to blur. I felt...wrong.

"Now, (Y/N)," Grim chuckled, "Be a good girl...kill him." That's all it took. I wasn't in control anymore...

I was a  m o n s t e r....

Black Fire, Red Heart ~ Tord x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now