Back In a Lab

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Your POV

After about an hour of snooping around in the room I was brought to and lying on the floor, Tord finally came in to bring me to the lab. A blush spread across my cheeks when I noticed he was wearing his Red Army uniform.

"Are you ready?-" he paused, staring at me, blankly as a tint of red appeared on his cheeks. I gave him a confused look before realizing that my sweater wasn't covering my upper body completely then pulling it down as I stood up. I glanced at Tord nervously then he cleared his throat as he looked away from me.

"They're-" he paused from his voice cracking, "The scientist are going to run some tests on you."

"On my monster," I spoke softly as we started rushing towards where I assumed the lab was. He glanced at me in a...cold way...then kept silent as we continued. I shuddered a bit from it...he's been doing that a lot more ever since he got called back here.

"We're here," he spoke sternly as he stopped at a pair of metal doors and turned to me, "How much can you handle in that form?" I gave him a shocked look and turned to the doors with a fearful look. The only thoughts running through my head were the ones of how Grim's scientists tortured me to get all their didn't give them much expect for their own sadistic pleasure.

"T-Tord, w-what if I-I..?" I started trembling as I backed into him, my fear surrounding my soul from the thought of losing control as destroying everything around me once more. As Tord's arms snaked around my waist, my body jolted forward out of shock only to be pulled back into his chest.

"Shhh, min kjære, vær rolig," he whispered in my ear, earning a shiver from me, "It'll just be for today. Stol på meg." I started to calm down a bit when he started petting my head, softly then we walked through opening doors. In the middle of the lab, there was a machine that looked like a futuristic x-ray bed with control panels surrounding it in a semi-circle form. Wires could be seen, hanging from the ceiling, leading and connecting to the strange machine. I tensed up when the doors closed behind Tord and I then I turned to find most of the scientists staring at me, curiously. When I backed into Tord again, he soothed me while rubbing my shoulder and leading me to a side room that connected to the lab. The way the room was set up made it look like a hospital room, only, there wasn't any equipment in the room and on the bed was a folded red jumpsuit with a dark purple star pattern spread throught out the fabric.
((min kjære, vær rolig = my dear, be calm; Stol på meg = Trust me.))

"Go put that on then come out when you're ready," Tord spoke softly as he released me, "I'll be waiting outside. Then we'll hook you in and start your first check up." I quickly turned to him with a unsure look.


"Shhh, det er greit, det blir ok," he placed his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against it then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
((det er greit, det blir ok = it's okay, it will be okay.))

Mini Timeskip

I was lying on my stomach on the machine, uncomfortable from all the eyes that were watching me. The tightness of the jumpsuit wasn't helping with that, either. Tord was standing behind one of the control panels, a bit cautious when the scientists were strapping me to the machine, glaring at anyone who had wandering hands. While he was talking with the scientist who seemed to be in charge, I got a shot from one of the others and started growing tired while they turned on the machine. Before I passed out, I could see Tord watching me closely as he knew what was going to happen next. Only then did I know why he looked so focused as I fell into what seemed to be another living nightmare. I struggled through it, hearing the outside world with Tord's voice barking orders.

"(Y/N).." I was sitting in the darkness now.

"(Y/N)..!" My monster was in front of me now...

"(Y/N)!" . . . . It swallowed me whole...

"(Y/N), wake up!" I opened my eyes to find Tord staring at me with a terrified expression on his face and his hands on the sides of my head.

'Tord...' I tried to speak, but all that came out was the whine of a beast. Suddenly I felt my tail started wagging as I nudged the crook of Tord's neck with my snout. He chuckled a bit then started petting me, soothingly.

"God jente, du er trygg nå. De finner deg ikke, min kattunge," he spoke quietly for only me to hear as I closed my eyes. As I started to feel around, I noticed that there were claw marks under my paws and that there were more straps holding me down. Did I attack someone? I glanced around, finding more claw marks on the ground and a couple scientists looking frightened. When I looked back to Tord, he was staring into nothing, thinking hard about something as he pet the top of my snout. I huffed, getting his attention as he sighed.
((God jente, du er trygg nå. De finner deg ikke, min kattunge = Good girl, you're safe now. They will not find you, my kitten.))

"It's alright, (Y/N)," he said as he moved to my side and pat where my waist would be, "Just relax, we're not done, yet." I whined in response and twitched the tip of my tail, feeling a bit annoyed.

"Rød Leder," one of the scientists spoke up,"Vil du at vi skal starte den fysiske?"
((Rød Leder, vil du at vi skal starte den fysiske? = Red Leader, do you want us to start the physical?))

"Selvfølgelig," Tord resplied, "Jo før vi får dette gjort, jo bedre."
((Selvfølgelig. Jo før vi får dette gjort, jo bedre. = Of course. The sooner we get this done, the better.))

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