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Jimin nodded his head for what could have been the tenth time now as his partner repeated the word he had also said multiple times now. He had expected his explanation to the man to be brief, quick and simple but that was proving to be wrongly thought as Yoongi looked to him full of confusion. Like him, the younger himself was confused yet they still stood about asking questions and not looking for the answers to them. 

"Yoongi, can we just go inside please?" Jimin sighed and finally Yoongi gave him. 

The couple walked into the abandoned home without another minute more to waste. Unlike Jimin had done earlier, they strolled straight to the room in which the papers were in. They were the first thing that was seen in the room, or at least first thing that caught the attention of both. Yoongi bent down to do as they had agreed, they'd be taking the drawer whole. Jimin however stayed put as he stared at the open drawer, he was sure that wasn't how he left it. 


"Let's go." 

The man had been quick in removing the single drawer from the full furniture and standing back on his feet. Jimin pushed aside the thought until he had  once again locked the home and was back in Yoongi's car. The man went on about dinner plans which weren't sounding slightest bit interesting to Jimin's gut, it was more worried about the open drawer.

"So yes or no to the chicken option...Jimin."

At the sound of his name, the young man looked over. "Yeah, sounds great."

Yoongi sighed. "Alright what's wrong? You sort lost yourself after we got those papers, what'd you realize?"

It wasn't exactly a realization but an observation. The young man bit his lip as he tried the hardest he could to remember the moment he left the room before work. His alarm had gone off, he shoved the three notes into his pocket, and then he could have sworn to have pushed that drawer back into place. When repeated to Yoongi, he claimed the younger to be paranoid. 

"So much weird shit goes on nowadays that you're doubting even something so simple. You probably just forgot...like you do at home sometimes." At the last part Yoongi's voice lowered as if he wasn't wanting to share the comment. Jimin's reaction was what he was hoping to avoid. 

The twenty year old gasped dramatically. "I always close them! It's you!"

"Not me babe." Yoongi shook his head, "You do it when you're in a rush."

Jimin scoffed, he didn't do that or so he told himself until he began doubting. In the five minutes that were left to arrive home, he wondered if he actually had been doing that this whole time and not realized it. By the end of the drive he was completely lost within his own head. 

"Doubting yourself are you?" Yoongi asked, he didn't wait for a response. "It's probably the same thing with the drawer. You do it all the time doll, don't stress over this. Come on, I'm hungry."

The thoughts were cut short when it was time to leave. Yoongi exited first then asked for Jimin to close up shop while he got a head start on making them dinner. The man was also kind enough to take the full drawer to their apartment. The younger sighed as he entered the shop where two were present but physically only, mentally both were somewhere else. Jimin said nothing as he watched from the door frame as Namjoon leaned in forward in a quick manner and to that the response from Jin was laughter that sounded like someone was cleaning a window with a wipe. 

"Gross right?"

Apparently a third party was present, Jungkook. He looked to his roommates with complete disgust on his face before turning his attention back to the magazine in hand. At the said comment the two at which it was directed to, shot him a dirty glance before turning to Jimin. 

"That was quick, everything alright with you Jiminie?"

The young man nodded his head and told them they were free to go. Excited were the eldest while the youngest slugged behind them like a child on his way to school. He waved them goodbye before going into the drawing room to get something he'd left in one of the cabinets. Although Jimin's mind was occupied on the papers, he managed to get what he wanted and leave but not before a slamming of two objects together broke his trance. 

He had closed the cabinet. 

"Yoongi!" He yelled before running out of the shop and to the upstairs of the building. "I closed that damn drawer!" 

The man from the kitchen yelled for him to come in to the room where he told him to just go through the papers already and drop it. Yoongi was getting annoyed with the whole situation, probably because he missed his nap that day, he really didn't want to hear the younger ramble but that was exactly what he had to do next. 

"Even though I wasn't thinking about it, I closed the cabinet downstairs Yoongi! I was so focused on that drawer so I must have close it! I know I did, I-"

The dropping of the metal spoon stopped the words from the younger's mouth. He stayed completely still as Yoongi emptied the boiling water from the pot. 

"Are you not..."

"Cooking?" Yoongi asked. "No. Not if you're going to keep on with this shit. I'm going to draw, order something for later."

The conversation ended as quick as it started. Obviously angry, the elder stomped out of that room then slammed the door shut to the apartment . Jimin was left there feeling like he should apologize or at least go on to make the evenings meal but his hands took him to the papers. He sat down at the table and began pulling out whatever caught his eyes. The first he grabbed read to be a compliant letter from many years ago when Jihyun was pulling some poor girl's hair. It was thrown into the start of the 'useless' pile. The next piece was gold compared to the first. 

It was a letter, short, addressed to this mysterious One persona. Jimin read the writing out loud.

"'Dear One, I am sorry for not writing to you in so long but the children have been troubling me. Jihyun's been causing mishaps at school, again. Can you believe he tried to copy off a kid's test while sitting in front of the teacher again? He's like the not so smart version of you'...'but that besides the point. Jimin on the hand has been doing so well that the teacher's just being writing about how good he is. He really is too smart for his age One, I would love for you to meet him. It's too bad you can't just yet but I sure you my lovely One that someday you will and when you do you will adore them. Much love from you know who'..." 

The words registered and processed in the young mind. This was written when he was younger, like ten years old, maybe even nine. His mother had been talking with this One for so long yet never had they heard of him or her. It puzzled the younger as to why that was, and why were they not allowed to meet the person then but 'someday' as she said? Despite the troubling thoughts it brought, Jimin moved onto the next paper which was the jackpot. 

"'My dearest One, I have no time to write much but here is my love for you."

On the paper was the prints of two hands, in two different colors. One hand was smaller than the other, one blue and the other purple. It was quite obvious who those prints in paint belong to, the two Park brothers but what was not was why did the mother possessed letters that had clearly been delivered. 


I'm feeling like absolute shit & kinda wanting to die so here's an update :) 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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