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The sun fell from it's high to it's lowest low just before disappearing completely. It lingered in the sky for those who needed it before darkness accompanied by the partner of the night. In those last moment the one in need of it was a young man who watched as children gathered together saying their goodbyes and teases for the evening for it was time they headed home. 

Jimin watched closely as a few boys were left on the sidewalk just across from him having their last verbal conversation with each other for the day. Eventually they were joined by Kimmy who they welcomed with open arms and a smile. The sad looking girl returned just before the conversation broke off and everyone except her went their own way. She stood there as if waiting for something else to happen but when it didn't, she made eye contact with the older man that happened to look her way. 

Kimmy raised her hand and waved to that young man who returned the gesture with a small smile. She didn't grin back but it was okay, at least to Jimin. Once the girl took off, he waited for the presence he sensed to come closer. When it did, he laid eyes on who it belong to. 

"It's getting dark, come inside."

At the suggestion more like order, Jimin shrugged at his partner. Yoongi sighed in return for he was sensing the resistance being put up by the younger. There was tension but it wasn't between them two. 

"I talked to her and she promised to watch her mouth." Yoongi said as he grabbed Jimin's hand. "Now can you please come inside so that we can eat and then go watch some cartoons?"

The request was a tempting one, so much Jimin couldn't help but smile at it. Once his cheeks lifted so they Yoongi's. He pulled down his lover from the car and held him place while he swayed them back and forth while whined about something Jimin loved to hear. The couple indulged in each other like no one was watching although that wasn't the case. They shared a loving kiss in their time of chaos which was interrupted by the call of the mother on the porch of the house. 

"Dinner's ready." She said with a rock solid face then headed back inside. 

The expression was enough to snap Jimin back into reality and remind him that the woman was not going to be the easiest to put up with. Considering he had nowhere else to go, Jimin forced a fake smile onto his face and led Yoongi back into the house then let him lead the way. The home was small, unlike Jimin's so it took him a second to adjust. Although it was a home it didn't have that cozy feeling one would feel upon entering other's homes. It was more of just a house for there were no pictures of family, only single portrait created by an artist. 

Upon entering the kitchen and also dining area, Yoongi's mother pointed to the pot where their warm meal was ready to be served. Both muttered a thanks but she returned to her deep thought before saying anything. Jimin was handed a bowl in which he served Yoongi his soup then let him go sit besides his mother as he panicked about being in the room. The woman obviously wasn't the fondest of him so he didn't exactly feel comfortable sharing a meal with her. However not doing so would only happen in a perfect world for Yoongi called for him at the table and Jimin had no choice but to sit. 

It was silent at first, all that could be heard was the sounds of them eating. Jimin tried keeping his gaze down to his food but the sight got boring so he let his eyes explore. The room was an average kitchen, small with all it's necessities and white walls. The viewing calmed his nerves but they fell back to the edge when he accidentally made eye contact with the woman. It appeared she had already been staring at him long and hard, like she was analyzing his surface. 

"T-The food's good Mrs.Min." Jimin complimented her skills with a shaky smile. 

"Really?" Yoongi responded. "I thought it could use more salt."

The criticism brought the son only a smack on the head from his mother. She glared at him and he immediately went back to eating. Jimin assumed that meant returning to eat in silence but the woman pulled back her short hair and put her elbows on the table before speaking. 

"Why are you both here?"

 The utensil of Yoongi's fell to the bowl harshly creating a sound that resounded off the walls. He sighed filled with annoyance towards his mother. Neither one used words, only used their eyes to communicate. Jimin was left to only observe but that came to an end when she shifted her gaze to look at him. 

"Last time Yoongi brought a boy home was because he was serious about him and I very much doubt that's the case here. Now I want to know why you've brought this one here?"

At the harsh sounding words, Jimin also put his utensil down. The appetite was gone completely and now all they were to sallow was the tension in the room. Yoongi tapped his fingers on the wooden table while his mother waited for his answer and his lover watched him closely. 

"I've already told you this, I ended with Kyungsoo. Now accept the fact that he and I are over with. I'm with Jimin now." Yoongi said sternly to his mother. 

At the last claim the woman scoffed. "You were more in love with Soo, anyone can see that. This you two go going on is a phase, nothing that'll last."

Again they were all plunged in silence, one that threatening. The woman was glaring down Jimin who was looking at Yoongi who held his head down while pulling on the blue strands of his hair. He mutter words like he would when he felt pressured but unlike Jimin had ever seen him do before, he did nothing about his urging feeling. 

"Yoongi..." Jimin muttered, completely acknowledging only his partner. He remained calm on the outside but really he was feeling the opposite of that. So many feelings mixed within him that he didn't know how to react. The words the woman so proudly spoke were digging deep into his head and Yoongi was doing nothing to do stop them. Jimin stood from the table seeing no great would come from him sitting there being humiliated by the woman and not being defended by his lover. He excused himself right after thanking the mother for her food then he waltzed right from house. 

The young man didn't find comfort driving around as the words repeated like a broken record in his head so he did what any person wanting to forget did, he took a trip into the pub he could find. 


Are you guys excited for Christmas? 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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