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The room once filled with tension and worry was left with only one of the two and the addition of a new feeling. 

"I have no where to go..."

Jimin looked to partner terrified as he just came that realization. The closet place he could go was his aunt's home but she thought that their family was mad at hers or so Park brothers made it seem with a letter they labeled as their mother to be the composer of. They needed to keep the disappearances of their parents a secret from the family to not be split apart so lying to their closest relative was something they were forced to do.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "You do."

"Where?" Jimin asked full of worry, he couldn't think a place that he could reside safely. He could not stay with his brother, obviously and aside from him, Jimin couldn't think of anywhere else. Considering Yoongi had said there was a place to go, he waited to hear just where that place might be however his lover was looking pained from thought. Hands intertwined as a form of support and by the groaning noise that followed, it was very much needed. 

"My hometown."

The two words were muttered with discomfort and a face of disgust. Jimin watched as Yoongi detached himself and began pacing around the room. He looked up in deep thought while ruffling his hair. Jimin knew just why, he knew why Yoongi was doing that. Frankly, he too was not liking the idea of going there but seeing the situation, they were going to have. 

Jimin put an end to the stress pacing that Yoongi himself could not stop as he developed a panic attack. The young man put his hands on the cheeks of his lover and with his thumbs slowly rubbed them. There was no returning gestures from the man for some time until finally he met eyes with his partners. 

"Baby, we have no choice..." Jimin muttered. "If we stay here, things can turn the worst."

Yoongi closed his eyes. "I know doll, I know." 

The two shared a kiss and a moment to themselves before splitting. Jimin left Yoongi in the room so that he could make the call announcing their visit. He went outside where he found his two friends in a position he expected to be the reversed. Taehyung held Jungkook closely, letting him rest his head on his shoulder while rubbing his back. What was surprising the most was the tears on the cheek of the youngest and the fact he had not acknowledge the new presence. 

"W-What do I do Tae? What do I do?" 

Pain filled the teenagers voice as he pleaded for an answer to someone who looked just as hurt at him but in a different sense. Jimin decided in that moment that he would not disrupt them as he had planned. He'd take moment alone to make a phone call and set up a quick meeting with someone who had become present in his conscious once finding out he'd have to leave. The young man got only down the stairs before Taehyung called him back. 

"We're not allowed to be left alone outside."

"I have to make a call Tae."

"Then make it here." He motioned besides them. 

Jimin sighed but did so anyway. Given the situation, it was no time to put up a fight, they all had done so and still were doing so. He quietly walked to the other side of the porch and leaned against the structure while dialing the phone to who was so present in his mind. As he waited for the call to be answered, he met eyes with Jungkook who kept his gaze steady until out of no where his eyes widened. 

"Jimin...hang up. Now!" 

Frightened by the face of hysteria and the yell of anxiousness, Jimin hung up quickly and just in time too. He didn't even bother to ask why, he was so put off by the face of the teenager staring back him. Jungkook nerves seemed on edge, he was breathing heavily as if he'd just stop the timing of a bomb with only a second to spare. The three boys all just stared at one another, Jungkook just at Jimin but the other two spared each other glances. Their stare down was interrupted when the youngest was pulled into a hug by their eldest. 

"I'm so sorry Kookie." Jin cried into the young boy's ear as he comforted him by holding him tightly. The teenager broke down completely into the arms that dragged him inside. Namjoon who stood by the door patted the boy before following them inside, not without sparing the other two a look that could only be interpreted as a warning. 

"What's up with him." Jimin asked Taehyung who sighed once it was just the two of them. 

"He had to do something....he saw... Jimin for the time being you need to loose all contact with your brother-"

"You know I can't do that." Jimin interrupted. "I'm all he's got-"

"No, you're not and you're fooling yourself in telling yourself that. You know well that he's got plenty of people looking out for him as do you."

Jimin didn't understand, his brain was not putting that one piece of information about his brother he hated having into the puzzle that was this complicated situation. Once it did, things crumpled even more than they already were. His jaw fell and he turned in the direction which their youngest and stubborn friend had been taken inside in tears. Panic filled his body as worry took over for his younger brother. Jimin took two hurried steps towards the door before Taehyung held him back.

"He's fine."

"T-Then why, why w-was-"

"He had to scare him, that's all." Taehyung looked down. "It just so happened that in doing so, he ended up scaring himself as well. Don't think bad about him Jimin, he was just trying to protect us."

The words went in one ear and flew right out the other for the elder brother was in complete shock. He stood still with a wide open mouth as he failed to process all that was being insinuated to him. Taehyung repeated his actions from earlier and took his friend into his arms as tears fell to his cheeks. 

"He wasn't trying to hurt you Jimin." Taehyung muttered while rubbing his friends back. "He wasn't there Jimin, those who tried to hurt you all were others. Your brother was just there doing what he had to do to survive just like you will when you resist the urge to call him. Understand Jimin, it's for the best."

All that was being spoken was seeming blurry as if they were visions to the exhausted young man who along with many others that day, had just about enough. The two friends stood outside on the porch in a town in which they did not belong but it wasn't like it matter because where they really belonged they couldn't return to for some time. 


Imma eat and then see if I'll write another chapter to update, stay tune kids. 

Hope you enjoyed! 


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