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The buzzing of a machine came and went every so often that the pattern of it was discovered in a short time. Art in the form of infusing the skin with ink was being created on the body serving as canvas on the left wrist of a young man who feared just almost nothing. The fact that the youngest with no dismay to just about anything had chosen to go first was enough to set the two who'd receive the same tattoo into a panic.

"What is it!?" Jimin yelled out for what was the tenth time in the minute alone. "Jeon Jungkook!"

Sweat trickled down the male's temples as he tried his hardest to keep himself together. Jungkook was refusing to let his two partners in crime know what he had chosen in keeping on their bodies for as long as they live. He told them both not to worry but coming from him it just set blaring alarms in each of their heads. Taehyung could not take the anticipation of waiting to see the tattoo so left to circle the block. He asked to be called back when it was done while Jimin paced inside the shop impatiently.

The moment of revelation came at last. Everyone except of course Hoseok and Jungkook gathered curiously around the youngest to see what it was that he decided would be fit to be on all three punished body.

In variations of blue ink, not black as thought by everyone, was resting art on Jungkook's wrist. Two trapezoids with their shortest surface to each other was what the younger had chosen for them. It was not repulsive nor was it ugly, if anything there was something pleasing about it. The three of the seven understood that it was not the shading of the color for there was more to the tattoo than just that.

"Do you remember the doors?"

On one sweaty summer night about a year ago all the seven males decided to meet at the rooftop of the building in the junkyard. On the night there was going to be a show in the sky provided to them by the universe. Before they got to enjoy it they waited by telling stories and making fun of each other, like any family would. The last story before the show was about when the door to their hideout would not open.

Namjoon called out the three who had been inside the room during the happening to be at fault. The elders agreed with him but the three younger ones said otherwise. It had been in the early morning of a week before the night they gathered on the rooftop. They had all agreed to take a trip on the only day there was no deliveries to done or business to be taken care of. On the night before the trip Jungkook suggest to a sleepover consisting of only the two following him in age. The three boys excitedly spend the night in the room messing with each other, watching movies and just talking. Some where along the night they had managed to mess with the door which caused them to have an issue opening it. The problem was believed to be outside after much trying from the inside so the other four of the group were summoned.

"You kids best not be playing, we've got to go!" Namjoon yelled at them with pure frustration for he hated being late to thing. He was the first to try opening the door then everyone else followed. The three had not been joking and frankly the whole thing had nothing funny to it when no one could open the door. Before giving up all hope they all decided to trying one idea and that was force by both sides. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook pushed their bodies against the door while the other three pulled on the body of who twisted the door knob. It worked and it ended with everyone on the floors. Laughter was shared at the end just like it had been the night in which stars were being gazed at.

"If you connect the lines that one looks like a duck." Taehyung giggled as he pointed to stars that formed something in another's eyes. Days later the youngest among them had taken in it him while keeping watch of the shop to draw up what they had all seen. The image of that now not only was displayed in Yoongi's drawing room but also on skin. What the stars formed that night now the blue ink formed filled in on Jungkook's wrist.

The "doors" they named the stars. They attached the view with that of the memory of the jammed door that took all seven to open.

"It's both sides of the door." Jungkook said as he touched the skin around the ink. "We are on one side, Jimin, Taehyung and I. You guys are on the other but without each other we can't open it."

Memories of that night spent together as a family sitting under the stars flashed in everyone's mind as a memory that warmed their hearts. The recalling led to the one of the door incident which brought them all pure happiness.

The tattoo was remainder of friends, of family.

"Do you like it?"

There were no words to be said not needed it to be for confirmation. Taehyung rushed to get a hold of Jungkook's head to plant a kiss on the top of it. Jimin had yet to react, he was still in shock.

It was truly beautiful even if it was just two shapes claiming to be a door. The meaning behind it was what was the beauty in it, something only them seven understood.

"I love it." Jimin said at last. "It's...nice."

There was no lie in his statement, he truly did love it. He loved the fact that only they seven understood it. Jimin adored that, that only they knew what it meant. However, as satisfied as he was with it he couldn't help but feel as though it wasn't right to be the first thing to mark him. Jimin always images that the first thing, if he even ever got a tattoo, would be something sacred or that he'd seen before.

"It doesn't hurt doll, not a lot at least."

Jimin quit his pacing for arms around him kept him in place. "You have plenty, of course it doesn't hurt to you."

"Not true. You saw how much I suffered through my neck one. I almost cut circulation to your hand, remember?"

Although Yoongi was trying to be reassuring, he wasn't. Remembering seeing pain on a fearless face only made Jimin even more nervous. He was scared of the pain yes but it was not why he was he walked around impatiently. There had been more than one reason for letting Taehyung go next and it wasn't for why everyone everyone thought. Jimin turned around to face Yoongi all the while still being in his embrace.

"I'll let you squeeze my hand real tight." Yoongi said as he took Jimin's hand in his. He interlocked their fingers and held the younger's back side of his hand to his lips. "As tight as you need."

It was then that the young man saw it. He saw where he wanted his first tattoo to be and what he wanted it to be.

Anyone want to guess what it might be? (Jimin's 1st tattoo)

Hope you enjoyed!


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