Hitoshi x Reader

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Start A Family //. Hitoshi x Reader
Word count: 1125
Page count:7
Bnha AU


"Ooh, what's that smell?" Hitoshi sniffed the crisp air and smiled. He slowly walked into the kitchen as his smiled grew at the sight of his lovely and beautiful wife.

You turned around to see your sleepy husband who barley could stand. "Good morning Hitoshi-sama! You want breakfast?" You asked in front of the stove.

Hitoshi lazily strutted forward and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace "is this what married life feels like? If so I love it" he breathed in your hair and snugged his head at the crook of your neck. You blushed and felt the smile of your husband.

Hitoshi than bent down into a hunched position and kissed your stomach. He rubbed the inside your his shirt and glanced back up at her

"Thought of a name yet Hitoshi?" You asked curiously.

Although you were near to your due date and it was almost the right time for a baby to be born, you two never figured out names for the baby. All you two cared about was that the baby girl, yes girl, would be happy and healthy.

"Nope. Got nothing darling, I just can't wait until our little girl comes home" he said happily "She'll be beautiful just like her mother, an exact replica"

You turned off the kitchen stove and helped your husband back to his feet.

"Very well than. Shall we eat, dear?" You settled your husband onto the table and prepared his breakfast.

After, you placed all the dishes in the sink and continued to talk and enjoy breakfast with the one and only true love of your life.


"Bye Hitoshi! Have a good day" you waved good bye at your husband as he rushed off to work.

You smiled and entered the house. You started your daily chores, sweeping, moping, cleaning, and etc.... the list could continue.

You were a hard working and perspiring. If this was gonna be your new life, you would sacrifice your all day hero praising life. 

'I'll be home by 6:00 (y/n), don't strain yourself while I'm gone' Hitoshi's words echoed in your head 'I love you, take care of yourself until I come back'.

You awaited for his arrival at home everyday, it was a mere happy perk of the day once he finally arrived. Aside from the chores and duty's you were given while he was gone it was really boring.

"I miss the thrill of being a hero.."

You thought. It's been a long time since you've last beaten a bad guy and sent him on his way. To be exact.... it's been exactly 267 days since your last criminal takedown. You could remember it like the back of your hand, it was September 7th, the rise and fall of the-


You heard the sound of what seemed to be water that spelt on the floor. You felt the stickiness and slimy liquid that seemed to inch lower and lower down your leg.

You sighed and brushed your hand against the liquid. You smelt it and placed a relieved hand atop of your chest

"Great, for a second I thought it was pee" you said with a wide grin "but wait...." you started to realize something "if it's not pee..... than... oh no"

you limped out the kitchen and towards the living room. You quickly dialed up your doctor and explained to him the situation.


Your family doctor answered her phone. You didn't give her the time of day before cutting her off mid-sentence.

"I think I'm pregnant! Wait-.. I know that of course!- But I mean, I think she's coming out!- I don't know how this works, so I don't know what it is just please tell me everything's okay?! It's okay right?!"

"Okay okay! Go a little slower (y/n). Explain the situation to me more clearly this time. Take a deep breath and please, for the love of All Might, please calm down"

You breathed in than out and started to huff and puff uncontrollably.

"I was just in the middle of the kitchen, cleaning up the mess when Aizawa left, and than I felt something drip down my leg, I looked and smelled it to see if it was pee, but it wasn't, so there was only one explanation... I thought I got my period, and I was like, wait! I can't get my period while pregnant, I haven't for the past thirty seven weeks!-"

"Your water broke. By the way you didn't need to be so specific, I mean smelling it? You didn't need to tell me that"


You countered.

"What do I do? I never did this before in my life! Do I call the Emergency room? Do I drive there? What do I do?!"

You exclaimed worriedly.

"It's fine, if your in to much pain, call the E.R Ma'am, but if you can, drive there."

You stared down at your legs and did a few lunges.

"I can stand, I think I can drive" you started. You grabbed the needed supplies you thought were reasonable enough to bring and shoved it in a bag "I'll see you later doctor. I'm on my way"

"See you here (y/n)"

You hung up the phone and wobbled outside of the house. You got slowly got into Your car and started it up. You reached out for your phone in your bag and called up Hitoshi.

He answered the phone and a distant yawn was heard through the line.

"Yes (y/n)?"

"She's coming home today baby. Meet me at the hospital, fast"

"I'll be there in a second. You two won't wait that long okay?"


After eight hours of hard and long labor to were finally able to push out your beautiful 8 ounce daughter. You held on to her tightly and breathed in her scent- she smelled like a brand new bottle of baby powder, her skin was just as soft and comparable to a long cloth of silk-

Hitoshi stood over you and squeezed you in a tight embrace. He tickled the baby's face who was fast asleep. Although you were sweaty and dirty, Hitoshi still kissed your forehead.


He pointed at the baby's eyes and smiled

"She has her mommy's magnificent (e/c) eyes, and her daddy's lips"

You glanced up at your beloved and hid in his neck.

"So, what do you want to name her Hitoshi? We haven't even filled out the forms yet"

He looked down at you and than at the baby.

"Hikari, bright. Just like her mother"

You giggled and kissed the cheek of your husband.

"Brilliant, just like her father"

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