Sero x Blind!Reader

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What have I️ created?....

Blind love  //. Sero x BlindReader
Word count: 1423
Page count: 9
Bnha AU

"Wh-What I'm trying to say Sero-San well- is... I️ think I️-...... I️ think, I️ like you!"

You exclaimed.

You couldn't see the reaction on the teens face, but you could guess it was a face of disgust- disappointment maybe.

The silence was long and the facial expression of the teens face was unknown.

They say when you loose one sense than another one of your other senses were heightened- for you that was your hearing.

The could specifically hear the water fountain from down the hall being used. The clatters of footsteps being brought down to the ground by force. The silence that filled the air with awkwardness and unsure vibes being released.

When you didn't hear him answer you ran off to an unknown direction, not paying attention to your surroundings- not paying attention to where you were going.

"I️-I'm sorry I️ asked! Just forget it!"

You called out as you ran.

"But wait I️ didn't say anything-"


The bell rang and the crowds began to fill up with U.A academy students.

To be blind was already as bad as it already could be. But being unable to defend yourself was as worst as it possibly could get.

"Move out of my way looser. If you keep walking at this pace I'll be late for my next class dammit"

You heard a voice behind you speak. You moved to your side and allowed the teen to pass by you.

Although there was no way you could possibly be used in a heat of battle, your quirk gifted to you by the gods themselves was something worth cherishing and used to your advantage.

Your quirk was unlike any others, useless on a battle field? Yes. Useful when it came to a battle and environment itself? Yes.

You were able to sense your surroundings with your hands and feet, without them you possibly couldn't be able to see. You could sense your surroundings up to 3000 kilometers- even the smallest and unimportant things.

You weren't looked though as "Class A" material. And instead you were placed int the second best class there was. That was Class B.

"Move it will ya (y/n)? I️ know your blind and all but you can still see with your feet dammit!"

You blushed and started to walk a little faster, satisfying the person behind you.


Neito muttered.

"(Y/n) Wait!"

You heard someone call from the halls. You knew exactly who that voice belonged to but you ignored it.


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