Todoroki x BabySister!Reader

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Quirk: water. While you were born your fire manipulation overpowered your mothers quirk, so instead of  being able to generate ice, you generated water.

Next chapter is gonna be a little quirk list of ideas I would love to see.

Safe //. Todoroki x BabySister!Reader
Word count: 838
Page count: 5
Bnha AU

Clang, clang, bam!

you awoke to the sound of what seemed to be falling items from your hallway.


You screeched under your covers. You sealed your eyes shut and hid beneath your favorite panda shaped pillow.

"S-Someone's in the house!"

You concluded. You popped up from your fortress of blankets and pillows, fearing for your life— not processing the situation for your young age. A sudden thought of your older brother crossed your mind.


You exclaimed. If you already couldn't tell, you loved your amazing older brother— Shoto. He was an up and coming hero you idolized. It was true in fact that you rarely got the chance to see him, that's what made you loved him more— each moment you got with him, you took it.

Your quirk wasn't anyway near your brothers, or you dads— or moms. It was just water. You couldn't quiet grasp your ability, but you'll learn— even without the support or help from your parents.

You slowly crawled on the ground and rubbed yourself against the floor, successfully making it to the door. You quietly opened the squeaky door and tip toed out, each noise you came across of from the outside flipped your Insides and caused you to jump.


The wind sang through the trees, blowing branches which clattered against the cold glass windows. You rolled on the ground and pressed your small and compact body against the walls. You turned a corner, a flashing light from a room flickered— your brothers room.


You yelled through the somewhat long hall. You slammed the door open catching the attention of your nii-San. You jumped to his side and flung onto his leg in the bed. Before your sudden appearance Shoto skimmed through his finished homework , he heard your tiny footsteps through the halls so he already prepared for impact.

"Yes (y/n)?"

He asked, placing his homework on his nightstand. You crawled up from near his toes and popped your head up from the covers.

"There's someone in the house nii-San! Someone big and bulky! I heard them!"

You exclaimed in a panicking manner. A robber in the house, an assassin seeking revenge, a psychopathic killer? What were the possibilities?!— None. For the person who rummage through the closet near your room was Indeed no intruder, assassin, of psychotic killer, it was simply your precious brother.

"He's trying to steal our goods nii-San! Than he's gonna kidnap us! Than he's gonna—"

Shoto noticed the excitement in your eyes, and he enjoyed it— damn, he even loved it! Shoto loved seeing this side of you, he enjoyed it.

"Oh no, close the door (y/n). Hit the lights, we gotta hide!"

Shoto played along with your crisis. You quickly jumped into the air and closed the door and shut the lights off.

"But wait"

You stopped in your tracks as you made your way back to Shoto. You could still see your path of walking due to the moons light that shimmered through the room window and the room itself.

"We must fight back! We must kill them before they kill us! Kill or be killed, we must must survive the night nii-san! If they touch you nii-San if they touch you!— I have to protect you big brother!"

You shouted, throwing your fist in the air. Shoto cringed at your sudden reaction, you sounded like your own and his dreadful father— but this time... Cuter, smaller, harmless, and damn straight adorable.

"(Y/n) don't say that"

Shoto said, snatching you up and dropped you down in his bed.

"What we should be doing is hiding"

Shoto drew the covers over his head, you copying his every moves. Shoto placed a finger on his lips, signaling you to stay quiet.


He cooed. You rolled into his arms as you held onto his chest. You yawned and stretched out, chaping your lips.

"We're gonna pretend to be asleep (y/n), and if they dare to enter, we'll give 'em some of this"

Shoto said, giving you a head scratch— he signaled you as their weapon. You released a half awakening chuckled and released your body from any knots in your arms and chest.

"But first, you make sure you don't actually fall asleep, it'll ruin the plan"

Your eyes blinked in individual blinking patterns. You yawned and placed a hand over your mouth, "silenting" your yawn.

"O-Of course Nii-San"


"I won't fall asleep— anytime soon...."

And before you knew it your eyes blinked closed. Shoto smiled, all apart of his plan. He ruffled your hair and pulled you back up to the surface, tucking you in tightly.

"Your always safe with me, (y/n)"

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