All Might x Reader

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In this AU All Might is only starting to be a hero now, so you guys just got out of high school and he still has his kid and teen looking person body.

By your side //. All Might x Cheated!Reader
Word count: 1049
Page count: 7
Bnha AU


"It's okay (y/n)-San. It's alright"

Toshinori cooed. He sat by your side, patting your back and wiping away your salty tears.

"He is unbelievable to do something as crude as that to you, and I don't know someone so infuriating. How could a man do that to a woman-- Anyone as that fact, Especially to someone as bright and special as yourself"

You sniffled your snot from your nose and hiccuped as you cried in your best friends shoulder. You were going through a hard time, not as a hero- but as a future mother.

You were once the secret lover of the all mighty Endeavor, or- Enji Todoroki.

After finding out you were pregnant he seemed excited and ecstatic about it. But, as soon as your daughter- Yoshiko, was born, he seemed disgusted towards her. She showed the first sign of only your quirk existing in her new life- that was your ability to use water and liquid to your advantage. But when Yoshiko was born she left the sheets of your bed dry and clean- leaving no signs of her birth.

Your family's quirk which was passed on for generations was special, your family blood was special. As soon as a child was born in your bloodline, they'll show immediate signs of one or both of their parents quirk existing- if they had one of course. But for the child not to born with the quirk also of your lover- made you see a side of him you didn't want to see, a side you didn't know.

So he left you weeks later, revealing to you his other profound family, and a son who had been a perfect replica of what he wanted- what you couldn't give him.

You were left with a daughter who will never have a father figure, and you were left with your heart torn strait from your chest.

"It's alright (y/n)-San, it's alright. We wouldn't like little Yoshiko-chan waking up now do we?"

Toshinori cooed.

You and him go way back- back to the good old academy days. Crisp air and a bright future you all looked up to. Some already made it to the big hero leagues, starting off as sidekicks. Toshinori found time to visit you from here to there with his busy schedule, he just made sure to check on you at least once or twice a week.

That was Toshinori. Always there to help, alway at your side when you needed someone. You never needed to tell Toshinori once when you needed someone, he was already there already helping you through the situation.

You've noticed how lovely he's been towards you and you appreciated him and his presence. You enjoyed being with him and loved how happy he made you, was it possible that you fell in love?

Well yes, you have. You've noticed your sudden emptiness when he wasn't around, or when he seemed to pop up on TV- a small pang.

You rubbed your eyes and hugged Toshinori- catching him off guard. Normally when you hugged someone it was only to those special to you.

And that's exactly what Toshinori was to you.
Someone special.

You looked up at Toshinori and looked him into his eyes.

"Toshinori-San. Thank you"

You felt your eyes once again sprinkle with tears, your heart raced and your gratitude towards him spilled out in motions.

They say that there is two ways people show their love and affection towards someone. One, an embrace amongst two people. And most importantly-

A kiss.

You inched forward to Toshinori and grabbed each side of his cheek you squeezed each side before leaning in and stealing a kiss.

The male was unsure to do anything. He didn't move, he couldn't feel, possibly if he couldn't see- but than realized something.

'I've waited five years for this moment to happen... and it happening right now and all I can do is stand in place?! Come on do something Yagi!'

The blonde than felt himself melt into the kiss. He pulled his (y/n) closer and held her once again in his arms.

The two parted when a distant cry from the other room disrupted them. If they could- they would defiantly have continued the kiss and stay there in a comfortable and peaceful silence- one that most relationships take years to get used to.

"I love you"

You said before pulling apart. Toshinori smiled and held you in his lap.

"I know you do"

"Kaa-Chan! Kaa-Chan! Tou-San! Tou-San! I'm coming! Look!"

Cried Yoshiko.

The red haired child wobbled into your room, with her new profound 'Tou-chan' around her Kaa-Chan. Yoshiko was a direct replica of Enji, those piercing eyes and hot headed behavior. She stood at the frame of the door before running towards you two.

Her (h/c) hair followed behind her and she jumped onto the bed, landing into Toshinori.

"Kaa-chan! Dont hog Tou-Chan all to yourself! You have to share!"

She said. She pulled on the mans shoulder and hid in his lap. She peeped out before sticking out her tongue to her mother.

"This is my daddy! I'll fight you for him if you want!~"

she yelled in a victorious pose.

You raised a brow and tackled the two onto the bed.

"Oh really little girl?"

You questioned. Toshinori laughed at your childish behavior and laid back, watching the scene before him unfold.

Your daughter got up and placed both hands on her hips.

"Oh yeah. I'm the bestest and most awesomest superhero in the super world! I'll beat any villains who touches my mommy and my daddy!"

She called out.

You laughed and squeezed her.

"I love this one too. I love you, you know that right my little baby?"

Yoshiko pipped up and grinned

"I know I am! Because my mommy and daddy loves me!"


Sorry it's been total shit so far ikr what have I created. I think I just found the cause of people loosing brain cells


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