Kirishima x reader

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"Ah! Tetsutetsu, it's great seeing you again man!"

"Same for you Kirishima! It's been a while hasn't it?"

The light haired teen and red head both shook hands solidly, their rough hands clanking to one another as they exchanged hellos.

"It's been too long, sorry to call you out at a time like this. I've been cooped up in my house for too long! I just wanna be out in the open again. BEsides there's someone here who i want to have some fresh air"

Tetsutetsu exclaimed, an angelic chuckle escaped Kirishima's lips with closed eyes, a sharky grin now laid across his face. Tetsutetsu just smiled at his rival and placed a hand on his shoulder.

You see Bakugou was dragged into town with his folks to run some errands, and well if you knew the blondes mom she was kinda intense..... in a good way of course! However, a flaw with that intensity is the fact that she'll never give you a chance to say no. Explains as to why Katsuki wasn't given the option to stay home and hang out allday with the red head like how they normally would. So of course Kiri couldn't toss up the chance to leave his house.

"You haven't changed a bit" Tetsutetsu's smile softened as he remembered the extra guest he brought along right around the corner "also, I'm sorry to mention this only now, but I had to bring my sister along" Your brother outstretched his arm out, signaling for you to make your entrance, you at first hesitated but than gulped down the courage to reveal yourself. Kirishima watched as a (h/c) haired girl with fixated (e/c)'s revealed herself from the side of the large UA building. He immediately noticed the innocence which glistened in her reflection "she's a riot! You'd love her, right (y/n)? My sister's the cutest most smartest most awesomest twin sister in the world!" Your brother exclaimed so excitedly. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and leaned on you for support. Your face was stained a light pink as Kirishima stared you down, and of course because of the wild introduction your brother gave you.

"She's just a little shy, she'll open up in a bit. The reason why she has to come along is to make sure I don't get into any trouble, am I right (y/n)?"


For two months you were cooped up in your room crying over your ex who cheated on you not so long ago. You were so depressed you stayed in your room all day, rarely took showers, didn't come out to eat, or didn't even talk to anyone or make contact with a single person for those standing months, explaining why you couldn't really speak up at the moment. You haven't really communicated with another human other than your brother for a while.

If anything you were forced out of the house because Tetsu said he didn't wanna see you down like that anymore. You took the opportunity.

"Come on (y/n), don't be all shy!"

Tetsutetsu pushed you forward to Kiri who shone his shark like teeth. He crouched down to your size and lent his hand out for you to shake. At first you hesitated and turned back to your brother who placed his thumbs up for you. You brought your hand to his and allowed his larger one to wrap around your own.

"It's nice to meet you (y/n) you're very cute. I'm Kirishima Eijirou, I didn't know Tetsu here had a sister"

The red head introduced, Kiri let go of your hand and he turned to your brother and stook his lower lip out.

"What's the deal keeping her all to yourself man!"

You blushed and hid behind your brother who loudly laughed aloud. You punched his side and pulled at the end of his shirt.

"Tetsu, wh-why is your friend so weird!"

You whispered to your brother with a flustered face. Growing up your brother absolutely loved showing off his adorable twin sister. You were a trophy to him and he wanted to show you off the the whole world, ever since you guys were kids.

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