Tenya x Reader

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Needed //. Tenya x Reader
Word count:742
Page count:5
Bnha AU


Why do you
Even hang out with me?
I'm useless and basic,
Unlike you.

"Wow Tenya-Sama, you were so cool out there! Your quirk is amazing!" You little sister climbed onto your childhood friend as if he were a jungle gym. She held onto his arm and pinched on his cheek and face. "You were like bam!" She punched the air and grinned "and they were like 'augh!'" She skidded back before falling in the sheets "and they were just like 'ahhh, I'm hurt, I died. Bleh'" you jumped in the air and chanted words of praise "you were so amazing!"

You rolled your eyes and ripped off your overly attached little sister, off of the bed.

Tenya didn't seem to mind and just laughed off your sisters praise and worship.

"Knock it off will ya Tsuki? Tenya could of died, don't praise him for an early death"

You glared at Tenya and crossed your arms. You raised a brow and placed your smaller sibling onto the cold floor.

"How about you shoo and play with your dolls for a second, I need to talk to your little 'Tenya-Sama'"

You said with air quotes.

Tsuki pipped up from the ground and hopped out of the room.

"Yes Nii-San!"

She exclaimed excitedly.


When the door finally closed you snapped your head to the direction of the raven haired iida.

"You could have gotten hurt, ya know? What would you do if you did?"

You asked with crossed arms.

"How are we gonna be best friends if one of us is missing? What's a duo, with the other half huh, Tenya?"

You paced back and forth within your room and tugged onto your hair.

"It's only your first year there and you could've died! What if the pros didn't show up? What would happen then? You guys could have seriously gotten injured!"

Tenya grabbed onto your arm but you ripped your hand away from him. You stared him out.

"Wait, I'm not finished" you growled "I don't have an awesome people saving quirk like you, I could not just show up and save the day, ya know? I would have been useless in a situation like that!"

"(Y/n)-San, your not useless-"

You ignored him and pointed an accusing finger at the taller male. He stood up and watched as you walked in circles around your own room.

"I know I'm not, but I'm at least forty-three point eighty-seven percent useless to you"

You plopped onto your bed and laid sprawled against the covers.

"I don't even know why you even hang out with someone like me, I can't do amazing things like the other girls in your school"

Your muffled voice said through the sheets.


Tenya placed a hand onto your shoulder.

"Why do you even like me? Why do you even stand to date me? When we were kids, I was just the girl that followed you and your brother around. I was the third wheel, the third wheel! I was the quirkless looser that just followed you around..... L..... O...... S.......... E........ R. Looser. Capital and bold letters"

"(Y/n), please"

It was true that Iida was never good with feelings.- Especially those of his girlfriends.

I mean, it was the turning point of your life. The moment you judge your existence and worth. What were you good at? What could you do to help out at least a little bit? What use could you be to Tenya, if you couldn't even protect yourself?

Tenya pulled you from the bed and carried you around in the room, a cycle of continuous and endless circles. You glanced up at the prodigy and sighed.

"What are you doing Tenya?"

"Isn't this what people mean when they say they sleep people off their feet?"

You threw your head up and blushed.

For the first time ever, Tenya is being so.... adorable. So cute.

"Sweeping someone off their feet. It's an expression, or an action. I didn't know what it meant, so I just did both"

You smiled at Tenya and hugged him "Why do you even love me Tenya, you hopeless romantic....."

Tenya's glasses shine in the light, a glare from a sunshine from outside reflected off of his glasses.

"Isn't it obvious? I.... L-Love you"

I do so because,
I love you

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