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So it came to be that Bard, Thranduil, Gandalf, who insisted that Náriel, Bilbo and Legolas were present too, sat in a tent with Dain. The dwarf had promptly walked out from the ranks of his kin and stepped forwards beside Gandalf. He looked at the dwarf with regard before leading him away. The army which was marching steadily through the oncoming darkness was an enemy to all. And as such, all other problems and quarrels should be set aside for them.

If needs be, they could be picked up, but for the foremost, dealing with this came first. It seemed that the only true plan of action was to lure their foes into the valley which was between the arms of the Mountain. With this done they themselves could man the outcropped surrounding cliffs to the east and south.

This may have seemed simple, but it was in fact rather dangerous. If their enemy were in great numbers they could easily overrun the Mountain itself, never mind them, but if they managed to get into the Mountain, then they would be attacked from each sides. Regardless of the likelihood of being attacked from each sides, minus aerial attacks, the plan was set into motion, there was no time to find an alternative, or to summon help.

Soon the thunder which had been echoing out in the sky had disappeared. It passed lazily by but with that gone the thick cloud which had been travelling on the wind appeared. The cloud ended up being flocks of tightly flying bats, it flew low over the Mountain and whirled up in the air making sure to block out any light which was trying to shine. The blocked out sun just added to the unease, dread and anticipation which was already heavily hanging over everyone.

"Tôl auth," Náriel whispered from Bilbo's side as they quickly marched towards their destination. He looked at her confused, "War is coming." She said while looking at him and then up at the darkened sky. She had never seen it like it looked now, there was no sky as such. Just black, no light, no clouds, nothing. It was bleak, and dreadful, and caused everyone's morale to diminish even more.

So it came, a battle which no one had expected. The Battle of Five Armies. On one side were the goblins and the wild wolves, and upon the other were elves, men and dwarves. How this battle came to be stemmed from the fall of the Great Goblin of the Misty Mountains. Ever since then the hatred towards the race of dwarves had, if possible, grown ever more and kindled anew with a fierce intensity.

There had been messengers to and fro between all their cities, colonies and strongholds of the north. In secret they had gathered, and in all the mountains there was a great forging of weapons, though crude they were efficient. When all were armoured and carried weapons there was a great force marching through field, valley and over hill. Through tunnels, in the dark until they reached Gundabad of the north.

This was their capital, a host so vast had already assembled ready to sweep down in any time. When news of Smaug's death had reached them, there was a joy which rang out and was felt in everyone. With this news staying at the forefront of their minds, everyone quickened their pace with new urgency. It was this urgency which had bought them on the hot trails of Dain.

"To the Mountain!" Bard called over all the ruckus of the marching. "Let us take our positions while we're still able to!"

On the southern side in the lower slopes and the rocks at its feet, the elves were set. Stoic faced and unmoving like armour clad statues. On the eastern side were men and dwarves, they all looked as grim faced as each other in their darker armour. Bard and a few of the more able men and elves had climbed the height of the eastern shoulder to gain view of the north.

Soon they were able to see the land which stretched out at Erebor's feet. Black and never stopping was the great multitude which marched its way into Dale. They were making fast progress, even more so considering their swift beast steeds which they rode. Already their piercing echoing howls could be heard reverberating off of the rock faces around them. A few number had been set out to make a resistance stand, but these were easily flung aside, with jaws clamped on them. Or speared by sharp blades, or retreated backwards.

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