Chapter 12

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Leonard and Sara both arrived at the restaurant at approximately the same time and entered.

When they entered they found only an elderly man eating in the corner. There was only one employee working behind the counter, it was a dark haired young male that looked to be in his late teens.

"You can take a seat any where you like," The young man said not looking up from his phone. "I'll help you in a minute."

Leonard nodded and took a look around his childhood restaurant. The upholstery on almost all the booths were ripped and had the cushioning falling out. The floors were stained with assortment of colors. The tables were scratched on and marked with graffiti that Leonard couldn't make out. Even some of the wallpaper was falling off.

Once Leonard and Sara took a seat at a nearby booth he sighed and couldn't believe how much the owners let this place  go.

"This is.." Sara trailed off.

"Sad." Leonard finished.

Sara gave a silent agreement before picking up a menu and seeing most of its usual entres crossed off.

"Talk about budget cuts," Sara mumbled, as she showed Leonard the menu.

The older man that was sitting in the corner had finished and left the restaurant.

"Hello," The teen came up to them with a notepad and pen. "My name is J.D. and I'll be your server for today. What can I get you two to drink?"

"Lemon tea," Leonard stated.

"Cold or hot?" He asked as he wrote on his pad.


"Okay," J.D. looked back up at Sara. "And you miss?"

"A coke please,"

"Small, medium, or large?"

"Large," Sara smiled at the teen. "I'm feeling lucky today,"

"I'll be back with your drinks," The teen returned the smile and clicked his pen back in.

It went quiet between them for a few moments, but not like before. Before it was much more tense, unsettling, uncomfortable. But now? Leonard felt that being in a familiar place with a familiar person lightened the weight on his shoulders.

"How old do you think the kid is?" Sara asked, nodding towards the direction the kid went off to.

"17," Leonard tilted his head.

"How do you figure?" Sara asked, Leaning on her arms resting in the table.

"I remember when he was born," Leonard lifted his eyebrows. "His parents are the owners of this place and I came here so often I heard the gossip of the nice newly pregnant lady with the perfect husband who came up on a restaurant."

Sara hummed.

The boy came back with their drinks. "Do you guys know what you want or do you need a little more time?"

"Give us 5 more minutes." Leonard said, putting up five fingers.

"Okay," J.D. walked backwards. "Whenever you're ready."

Sara looked through the menu as Leonard sat there quietly watching her.

"Aren't you gonna see what you want?" Sara asked, looking at his menu.

"I already know what I want," Leonard drawled, not breaking eye contact.

"What you got it embedded in your memory?" Sara laughed, but stopped once Leonard didn't make a single movement of amusement. "You got it embedded in your memory don't you?"

Leonard shrugged. "Possibly."

"Of course you do," Sara huffed.

Leonard smirked.

When J.D. returned they gave their orders and he went into the back to go prepare their food. There was a long silence between the two.

"I'm sorry." Leonard whispered. "I-"

"No," Sara interrupted. "I'm sorry,"

""Sara," Leonard asked. "Let me finish?"

Sara nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I shouldn't have said what I said," Leonard started. "I have no idea what you must of gone through on that island. You were alone, lost..... and scared. I know there was probably times you thought for sure you weren't going to survive."

"I believed I was going to die more than I believed I was ever going to see any of you guys again," Sara agreed. "But that's still no excuse what I did to you that night. There has been nights where I can stay up just replaying the whole scene in my head. Coming up with different ways that I could've stopped from initiating that kiss. I can't take back what I did. I made that mistake. I know, Len. And believe me when I tell you "I am Sorry" because I truly am. You weren't the only one in love."

"Past tense for you maybe," Leonard mumbled and lifted his eyebrows. "But for me.. well"

A silence had become of the two while they proceeded to finish the rest of their food.

"Look," Leonard said after a while, putting his fork down. "We both have done stuff we wish we hadn't. And you're right. We can't change what we did, but we can change what we do. And right now what we will do is put an end to Blood."

"Okay," Sara smiled.

"What?" Leonard asked.

"Nothing," Sara shook her head and pushed away her now finished plate. "I just missed... this."

Leonard nodded and made a hand motion, telling J.D. they're ready for the check. "Me too."

I'm really bad at updates guys I'm sorry. Please forgive me. 😭❤️

His Redemption (Sequel to Cold Canary AU) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now