The Memory

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A couple years ago:

"Cameron.. I'm scared.." Callaghan croaked out through her tears.

"I know, so am I." I pulled her in close and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

We were all alone, shoved into a closet.

Our parents had just ran upstairs telling us to hide. They both gave us a kiss and ran back down the long stair case.

All we can hear is yelling, glass breaking, and a car screeching their tires down our street.

"Can, we.. We get out n-now?" She was shaking, crying.

"Yeah, let me go check downstairs," I didn't want to, but I had to.

Callaghan is so much more weak emotionally then I am, I needed to make sure that when she walked down the steps she wouldn't break.

After I took my foot off the last step, and I was shocked.

Nothing.. Nothing or anything was in sight.

I expected to see glass shattered, and my parents.. dead..

But our house was completely normal.

I watched as she walked down the stairs, her jaw dropped.

She had the exact same thought as I did.

I walked over to her, wrapped my arms around her and gave her a hug and she cried into my shoulder.

Our parents were alive, but not here.

"Go get a suitcase of things. Let's go on a little trip?" I suggested.

She nodded her head slowly and walked down the stairs 10 minutes later with a suitcase of clothing and other necessities.

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