The Beginning of a Backstory

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Turtles' Point of View

Bright and early the next day, as per usual, the Hamato terrapins of New York City have woken up and have made their ways towards their kitchen. However, the only thing different about this morning's breakfast, was the fact that there was a small folded-up note placed in the center of the Hamato's kitchen table.

"Hmm, I wonder who wrote this?" Leo asked his younger brothers, all fully well knowing the answer of who the 'culprit' could possibly be.

The leader in blue himself gingerly unfolded the note, and begun to read it aloud; "'Hey guys,'" it began to say, like it had a voice of its own coming out of Leo's mouth, but Leo kept on reading nonetheless, "'Sorry again for not being being with you guys this morning, but you know how school can be at times.'" 'So casual so far.' they all thought, "'Hopefully you enjoy this morning's breakfast, as always, and I'll see you guys after school'. -(Y/N)" Leo looked at each one of his younger brother's faces for some form of a reaction.

They all seemed to share the same wary and suspicious looks, as Leo himself. The note was so casually written by you. You've never done so before, so why now? Leo and his brothers looked over the note a couple of times again. Then this time, they realized, that the entire note wasn't all completely unfolded. Once it was, they were surprised a bit to see that you also left them a bit more to read. They read it at the same time in a low whisper and it said, "'-P.S. When I do get back from school, there's going to be a few things that I'm going to need to tell you guys. Cause I know that you guys would probably very much like me too, after everything that's happened lately. But prepare yourselves, it's going to be a long talk.'"

They all then read the last part of your note again so that they didn't miss anything else, then from the last time they checked.

Each Hamato-masked terrapin brother looked among their own astonished and perplexed expressions. They were all constantly thinking of the same thing in marveled wonder and curiosity.

Could this be the 'big break' that they've been looking for in finding out of your past andpossible involvement with the Foot Clan? Are you finally opening up of what happened to the Norio Clan all of those years long ago? Would they be able to finally get you the kind of help that you never seemed to ask them for?

Master Splinter had overheard of what his sons have read in your note, and he too was wondering the same things as his own children before him did.

The Hamatos could only be able to get on with their usual routine for the day, while they waited to find out what you're going to be able to tell them about you, the Norio Clan and the Foot Clan. Just a couple more hours until you got back from school, so they waited.

Your Point of View

Your time at your 'school' couldn't have ended any sooner. Since being up all night from yesterday's events, you just couldn't be able to focus like you would've been on a normal day. But then again, when have the past few days been 'normal' for you?

Also adding the fact that you remembered to head for the orphanage, earlier than usual, definitely took its toll on you for your current well-being this morning. While you were in there, and using your classic kunoichi stealth skills like from last time, you were able to grab a few more important possessions of yours. You were definitely going to be needing these things for when you talk to the turtles and Master Splinter, as you had written in your note a few hours before. So you placed them all carefully in your 'schoolbag' and quickly changed for 'school', as you have done so before.

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