Only memories we thought we could deny 4

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A/N: So first of all I am sorry for the black humor thingy. It just came into my mind and I had to include it, lol. So weird to write two different type of Brad at same time.  The goofy Brad is my favourite.  And next chapter of 'Nobody Can Save Me' will be published tomorrow, hopefully. Thank you for voting, reviewing and reading! :)


Already three days had passed since the incident. Mike was getting better every day and he could put weight a little bit already to his sore ankle. His ribs didn't feel fine at all, but at least the horrible black color had changed to ugly purple yellow mixture. His eye opened almost all the way and the bruise had invaded also his other cheek. Chester joked that he had all of the colors of rainbow on him and Brad added that he was like an unicorn. Mike laughed at the jokes. Not only because they were funny but cause the jokes made him forget the pain he felt inside. Otherwise he was quiet. He listened to the others and but otherwise talked only if he was asked about something.

Chester had fetched some clothes and his phone charger from his place which he was grateful. Well he was really grateful about everything they did. They kept him company, fed him and didn't ask anything in return. Chester even came with him to bathroom when he was taking a shower so that he would fanit again he wouldn't hurt himself. It all was really nice and made him feel good. Only problem was that there was something eating him from the inside. The second he was alone with his thoughts it hit him like thousand hammers.

"Whatcha doin'?", Chester appeared next to him smiling. He had this amazing smile which could melt the Arctic.

"Don't know. I guess I should call my boss that I'm not ready to come to work yet", he sighed. He was supposed to be going back there after two days. His angle might me ready, but not his side.

"I can make the call if you want?", the blond nodded.

"Nah. You have done enough already. You know how lucky I am that it was you who found me?", Mike said quietly.

"Yeah yeah yeah.. You're lucky to be alive!", Chester winked his eye getting serious.

"Well... I'll make the call", Mike grunted and searched his boss' number.

Chester shook his head when the other man wasn't looking and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. He was still really worried. Even if the man looked like he was healing fine it was deceiving. Chester just didn't know how to make the man talk. He still didn't really know him. Only the stuff in his past what he had told when he was asked. And about the attack he didn't know basically anything. "It wasn't good to keep it all in, right?", he thought.

He sighed heavily and grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and placed them next to the coffee maker. They were alone most of that day. Rob was meeting some friends and would be home in the evening and Brad was working. He worked a lot. But that was good since Chester had been just fired. His boss didn't understand why he was helping grown up man and didn't want to leave him alone. Even though he only asked for week off. Though he didn't really even like the job or the boss so it wasn't that bad. He grinned to the thought and got back to the living room.

But Mike had disappeared. His phone was laying on the floor playing some music. Then Chester heard sobbing from the corner of the room. Mike was there pulling his knees to his chest trembling heavily.

"Mike! What happened?", Chester ran to him kneeling and grabbing his arms. Mike startled and backed away instantly shielding his face with his hand.

"Please don't!", he wailed scaring the blond.

"What the hell happened!? I was away for like ten minutes!", Chester thought not knowing what to do.

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