My insides all turned to ash 2

318 21 6

A/N: Sorry again, lol. Quite a heavy start. Won't get easier that soon though :S So! This in kinda AU as I said. They are living together but Dave and Joe aren't in the picture (at least yet..).  And the timeline you can probably figure out from one tiny thing. Do tell what you think about the story so far! Than you for voting :)


Someone else was also walking alone that night. Chester was frustrated with all the bickering with his friends and decided to take a walk before he would start to throw some stuff around. It was bit chilly and little bit raining and also really late but he didn't mind. He didn't have anywhere to be next day so he could sleep in. He walked to an alley to take a longer route around a park but didn't get further when he noticed a shape of a human in the ground. His first thought was that it would be some drunken homeless person but when he got closer he noticed bare skin. And no homeless people would have bare skin in this weather. He walked slowly next to the person to see what was up. The person had white sheet around him and next to him there were pants, underwear, shirt and hoodie. No shoes though which he found weird.

Next thing he noticed was blood. Lots of it. He held his breath fearing already that the person would be dead and stepped to look for pulse. Which was there. There was also a blindfold and duct tape and he was sure the person had been attacked. He slowly lifted the blindfold to see better. Then his heart dropped. It was a man probably same age as he is. And he was beaten. His other eyes was really swollen and he had red marks, cuts and bruises all over his neck and face.

"Fuck", he grunted and started to search his phone. Hospital would be the place now. He couldn't even see where the blood was coming. But he didn't have his phone with him. He had thought that his annoying friends would probably just call him so the supposed to be relaxing walk would be turning then into not so relaxing.

Maybe the man would have a phone was his next thought. He turned the clothes around and found it. But it was dead. "Dammit", he thought. The walk back wouldn't be that long so he folded the clothes to take them with and then lifted the man slowly on his arms. He was certainly bigger than him but he had spent some time on gym. Shaking his head to the sad sight and checking he didn't leave anything behind he started to walk back to the house.

"Brad! Open up!", he kicked the door not able to reach his keys.

"For fuck's sake Bennington use your keys!", the man shouted back but came to open the door anyway freezing there on the doorway.

"What the hell?! I thought you weren't supposed to be bringing boys here anymore", the other man tried to joke but didn't quite achieve the reaction he wanted.

"Yeah yeah yeah... Get Rob, we need to call ambulance", Chester walked past the curly haired man and carried the still unconscious unknown male to their light blue couch. Rob's mum had given it to them. It was ugly, but it was clean and comfy so they didn't mind.

He fetched then a warm fleece blanket and carefully teared the duct tape from the mouth of the man. Folding the fleece around him Chester tried to wake him up.

"What the hell...", Rob came to the room.

"Exactly what I said first", Brad answered.

"I have no idea what has happened. I found him from the alley. He has this white sheet around him which is bloody. Like, really bloody. And I think those are his clothes", Chester pointed at the pile of clothes he had brought with him. The other two stared at him mouths open when suddenly they heard wailing from the couch.

Chester got closer and waited for the man to open his eyes.

Mike opened his eyes and panicked instantly. He had no idea where he was but three man staring at him wasn't really something he was expecting to see.

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