But this is how beginnings start 14

214 11 8

A/N: Final chapter :( Longer author's note on next page. Here is link to the first song they played on that show 



"Hear that? They are waiting for you", Chester whispered to Mike's ear.

"I'm pretty sure there are just bunch of drunken people who don't even know who we are", the emcee joked wrapping his arms around the singer.

Brad happened just then to turn around and see the interaction. And received a slap from Rob before he could say anything. Nothing had really changed between them as people or as a band. The bassist was awesome and accepted also Mike and Chester having a relationship. Not his cup of tea but they both worked their butts off and didn't let it interrupt their work. And they looked really happy. He still felt tiny bit of an outsider so it really wouldn't even be a thing for him to complain. The other new attachment to the band was this weird Korean dude that was the deejay but also the humor upgrade. Or downgrade as Brad would say.

"Ha! I'm pretty sure they are here to see us. Or just you", the singer pulled Mike's face closer by his earrings and kissed him making him smile.

"You ready?", staff member came to get them.

Mike shook himself trying to chase away the nervousness. They had released their first album few weeks ago and it was the thing that he was most nervous of. Because they were on Billboard top 200 chart and not in the bottom, but as second on the whole list. Which told them that they had something big on their hands. He loved to play in these small venues and new cities where many from the crowd probably hadn't seen them yet and all they had to do was to convince them to stay. And maybe even buy the album if they hadn't done it yet.

Chester had borrowed him some bracelets and every time he raised his hand a tingling noise reminded him about the singer. He wouldn't hear it on the stage but he knew they were there. Most calming thing really.

"Dude seriously, I'm certain that someday you will drop your glasses on stage and step on them", Mike sighed when the singer adjusted his glasses.

"Nu uh. It's Brad who will do it says my crystal ball", Chester sticked his tongue out and grabbed Mike's cap from his head.

"Chester! Give it back, can't go to stage without", Mike laughed and reached his hand to take it back.

"No! I'll borrow it. Besides your red hair looks way better than mine did", the singer slapped his hand away before pushing the cap on his head hiding his now shaved head.

"That wasn't cause of the hair but your stupid mustache that was more like two hairs across", Mike laughed and nudged the other.

"Oh fuck off Mikey! That's not nice!", Chester sulked.

Mike snorted and kissed his cheek. "I love your goatee more."

"Okay lovers stage time", Rob cleared his throat and pushed Brad in front of him to the stage.

The show was over super quickly. During the second song Chester had bursted into laughter and put his glasses away cause Mike was right- he had almost dropped them many times. Now he was freaking sweaty, his white t-shirt soaked and his red pants glued to his legs.

"Sad we had to play so short set", Mike sighed wiping his neck to a towel.

"It happens. We'll make up for them. Let's try not to miss the flight now", Brad dried his guitar strings before packing it up.

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