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  The thoughts of Winn slipped her mind after a while

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  The thoughts of Winn slipped her mind after a while. Spending time with the team was a great way of keeping her mind distracted and the team knew, that's why they did it. Tony and Steve started gathering information and data to find Winn because those two knew how hard it was to lose a friend or just the only person you had that was still left in your life. 

  Winn was that person. Being there at her doorstep when she needed a shoulder to cry on, being the person that always brought a smile on her face. He's been there for her, for years, supporting and loving her like a brother. How hard she missed that guy...

  "Winn Miller... where are you?" Tony whispered to himself as he watched several camera footages. One of the footages started to flash '100% face match' on the screen and Tony clicked on the video displaying it bigger on the tv screen in front of the two men. There was a man wandering through a modern building, clearly knowing his way as he walked confidently out of it. Steve leaned on the table, squinting his eyes as he tried to focus on the building he was in. 

  "What the hell is he doing in S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Steve said as he zoomed in on the famous S.H.I.E.L.D. logo in the background. "Let's find out, shall we?" Tony said as he walked out of the room followed by Steve following him closely by.


  "Captain America and Iron man, what a surprise." Nick Fury said with a straight face as the 2 Avengers stepped into the one eyes man's office. "Fury! Still no new eye?" Tony joked and immediately hid his laughter with a small couch when he got a lowkey kick by Steve in his leg. "What can I do for you?" Fury said looking annoyed at Tony who was just walking circles around his office, standing still by the window at a time. Tony turned around and leaned against the window, "We wanted to know..." Tony started earning a 'don't be cocky' glance of Steve before he began speaking up again, "Why is a HYDRA puppet walking freely around in your building?" 

  Nick Fury frowned and cocked his head to the side, "What do you mean? No one enters this building without a ID card, and you only get those if we have checked all your data and history." Then he looked at Tony and he just shrugged. "Well I mean, no one really posts on their Facebook that they work for a terrorist organization, do they?" Tony cockily said making Steve sigh in annoyance. 

  Finally, Steve spoke up before Tony could say another ignorant word. "Winn Miller." Steve said making Fury look at him in an instant with a confused but knowing look, "He's a friend of Alexander, visiting him for about 2 weeks now." "And you never suspected him?" Tony spoke up making Fury shake his head, "I have more important things to do than suspect a friend of Alexander." Fury said as he stood up from his chair. "Fury, we need to catch that man. He could possibly be a second version of a Winter Soldier." The blonde said making Fury nod his head in frustration.

  "Okay. What's the plan?"


  While Steve and Tony were at S.H.I.E.L.D. a whole other thing was happening in the Avengers tower; Bucky was teaching Valerie how to control her powers and use it on the right moment during a fight. While doing that Bruce was observing her with his technical monitors in his lab, collecting her body data like height, weight and somehow even her blood group, even though she didn't really quiet has the same blood as other people. Bruce told her she had the same blood group like Thor because both of them had electricity running through their veins making their blood cells very different from others. "Easy with her! I see electricity getting manufactured in her hands. If she hits you in full force you'll be flying across the room!" Bruce yelled in his earpiece making Bucky dodge her -in motion hand- in shock. 

  "Maybe we should take a break?" Bucky suggested making Valerie smile in agreement and grab her shirt before pulling it over her head. The both of them grabbed their water bottles before heading towards Bruce in his lab.

  "Have you found something doc?" "Yes, actually." He said as he showed a digital body photo where white lines were running from her brains to her hands. The white lines were electricity running actively through her arms. The brains were basically the power source. "What triggers my powers?" Valerie asked making Bruce zoom in on the left side of the brains. "Emotions." He shortly said making Valerie shrug uneasy. "Emotions?" She responded confused.

  "Yes like, hate, sadness or today with Bucky—let me find the right words..." He started thinking before a small 'aha' escaped his lips, "Affection." He said, describing the emotion she felt while training with Bucky. She heard Bucky quietly suppress a small laugh next to her while her face went slightly red. "Okay, enough research for today, Bruce!" Valerie said embarrassed as she closed the analyses on his laptop and walked out of the lab, leaving the 2 men alone while she was heading back to her room.  

  "What did I do?" Bruce asked and he frowned confusingly as he looked back at Valerie leaving the lab. Bucky laughed and clasped Banner on the back before heading out of the lab too. 

  "You did a wonderful analysis, Bruce, really."

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