Chapter Four - Moronic Jerk

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          "Ellie!" someone screamed. I was so startled I fell out of my bed, landing unceremoniously on the floor. I looked up groggily to see Mum's face beaming down at me. I tried to blink the harsh light of the hallway out of my eyes, and sat up.

          "Oh, I'm fine. No need to help me up," I snapped at her, more than a little annoyed when I became more aware and less disoriented. I untangled myself from my purple duvet, and got to my feet. I knew what this was about. I could see it on every pane of her face.          

          "Baby, look!" Mum said, shoving her hand into my face. I took in the diamond ring on her finger. The diamond was a little too large and ostentatious for my taste, but she apparently loved it – or maybe it was just my hesitancy that was judging the ring. "I can barely believe it. I mean, I was hoping, but I just didn't expect it to happen so soon." She was practically squealing and I felt a smile work its way on my face as I took in the joy in her eyes.

          "That's great Mum, I'm so happy for you," I congratulated, hugging her.

          "Thank you so much, Ellie. You are such a sweetheart." She choked up, sniffing as she put her arms around me. She hugged me tightly and sighed happily. She pulled back slightly after a few moments, to look at me, "You know this doesn't change anything right? I will always love your dad, but I can't spend the rest of my life reminiscing about the past. Jack is my future and he makes me happy. I love him." Her eyes softened when she spoke of Jack and I couldn't begrudge her of the happiness she was feeling, the happiness she very well deserved.

          "I know that, and I couldn't be happier for you," I said, even though I was wondering about what was going to happen once they got married. Oh what the heck, I thought and came out with it. "Mum, what'll happen once you two are married? I mean where will we live?"

           "Oh well," she faltered for a second. "We haven't thought much on that yet, but we are planning on having a long engagement so there's lots of time to get everything organised," she replied and I mentally danced across the room, I was so relieved to hear those words. "I know that this may seem so weird for you, but don't ever hesitate to tell me if you have any reservations about me and Jack getting married, okay?" She tilted my chin, so that I was looking right at her.

            "I won't," I told her. My reservations were about Drew, not Jack – though there were some about the two of them getting engaged so quickly too. It didn't really matter. What would my musings really do except bring her down?

           Mum sighed happily once more, before pulling away completely. "I should let you go back to bed. I was just so eager to tell you that I said yes. Jack told me he talked to you about proposing first? How thoughtful, I can't believe he would be as attentive as to ask about your input," she preened, before kissing me goodnight.

          I lay back down and tossed and turned for hours before finally managing to get back to sleep.


           "Are you okay, Ellie?" Kelley asked me, intuitively picking up on my weird mood.

           "Me? I'm fine," I lied, clearing my face of all emotion. I fidgeted with the bottom of the jean shorts I wore. I'd been distracted all day. I just couldn't believe that my mum was getting married. It seemed so surreal.

          We were all having lunch outside today due to the hot weather. We sat on a picnic table underneath a large tree, shading us from the harsh sunlight. This area of the courtyard was exclusive to the sixth formers only, so there were no younger students loitering around, making noise. However, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the amazing weather for three reasons. One, I was still a little shocked by Mum and Jack getting engaged, despite having the past twenty-four hours to think about it. Two, I was desperate to talk to Drew about our parents, but he hadn't shown up for biology and I hadn't seen him around school. And three, Richie was sitting next to me, making me highly uncomfortable as I was certain he was going to ask me out again and I'd probably say no.

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