Chapter Twenty-five - Coming Clean

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          I woke up to the feeling of being spooned by a still unconscious Drew. It was something I could definitely get used to.  I could tell by his even breathing and the steady rise and fall of his chest against my back that he was still asleep. I marvelled at the way it felt to be cocooned against him like this. I felt deliciously cosy and the way his arm was wrapped around me so tightly, like he was holding onto me as though I were a life raft, made me feel warm inside.

          I didn’t have it in me to get up and move from the position I was in. I just lay there, feeling Drew’s arm tighten around me at intervals as he mumbled in his sleep and snuggled closer to me as I stared out of the window.

          I realised Mum and Jack would both have already left for work after noticing my alarm clock on the nightstand next to my bed. I had locked my bedroom door just in case Mum decided to look in. She never usually did, but it would be just my luck for her to walk in the only time I’d ever had a boy in my bed. Nevertheless, it was reckless. If Jack had noticed Drew’s makeshift bed in my study was empty and that my bedroom door was locked, it wouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to figure out something was going on.

          When Drew finally awakened a short while later, it was really slowly. I had noticed this before when we’d fallen asleep together when we were in Paris. He’d shift slightly in his sleep and mumble some more until finally his eyes opened. They’d open slightly at first with his eyes still sleepy and then he’d blink once before they finally became aware of his surroundings. Just like they were doing now. He was fascinating to watch.

           “Hey.” His voice was still husky with sleep and he rubbed his eyes tiredly as he smiled at me.

           “Hi,” I whispered and then couldn’t help myself from leaning forward to place a quick kiss on the bruise forming under Drew’s eye. It had darkened considerably during the night. He was just too freaking adorable in the mornings. Well, the mornings, the afternoons and the evenings.

          I thanked God and the stars for blessing me with this gorgeous and loveable guy. It seemed that my luck wasn’t that awful, not when I’d been fortunate enough to ensnare someone like him. Granted, our circumstances weren’t the best with our parents getting married soon, but I was still ever so grateful for him.

          We ended up spending the majority of the day in bed. After we ate breakfast, we headed back upstairs and just talked, cuddled, kissed and play-fought.

          The end of the day was an almost repeat of the day before except this time, Jack came home early and cooked dinner for us… and Mum ended up missing it as she was working late again.

          Still, I’d had a great day... and I was pretty sure Jack said something to Mum. I’d been expecting to come down in the morning with a note on the kitchen counter giving me some heinous punishment, because surely the lecture I’d gotten last night wasn’t enough to placate Mum, but no. There’d been nothing, and when I’d asked Jack he’d brushed it off, telling me to just forget about it. I gave him props for coming to my defence with Mum.

          Jack talked to Drew more fully at dinner though, with Drew promising not be so rash again. I watched this with awe. Mum would never have just made me promise not to do something again, but then again Jack treated Drew like the adult he was, whereas I couldn’t say the same about Mum.

          We both had to head straight to Mrs Baker’s office tomorrow morning though. I wondered what she’d have to say to us. I wondered what Maddy would do too.

          Mum came back late, when I was in bed for the night. Drew was sleeping in the study tonight. We’d decided not to tempt the fates. He’d been talking excitedly about this weekend when we’d finally tell our parents about us. I had smiled along with him, but I was kind of glad he wasn’t with me now, talking about it. I had this ominous feeling that things would go very wrong before then, but I hadn’t wanted to put a damper on his mood. Still, although I hadn’t wanted to talk about the weekend, it would have been nice to cuddle with him throughout the night. My bed felt big and empty without him in there to share it with me.

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