Chapter Twelve - Two-faced Bitch

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      "I've been thinking about blue and purple as a colour scheme," Mum explained to the wedding planner.

       "That's a be-yootiful idea, but combining the two colours together is very risky," Marcy said, reproachfully. I didn't know what I was expecting from a wedding planner, but this sure wasn't it. I was expecting someone friendly to start with and Marcy definitely fell short in that category. She looked more like an attorney than anything else. Her facial expressions and posture screamed business and little else. Maybe that was a good thing? She'd probably be organised... and uh... level-headed?

       "How exactly is it risky?" I asked from where I sat.

       "Here's a catalogue with some of our most popular themes. Perhaps you should take a look? I can get you an excellent discount and it would make your wedding day absolutely be-yootiful!" she said to Mum, like she'd rehearsed it a hundred times before. She placed a catalogue in front of Mum and effectively ignored my question. Bitch.

       "I'm not sure. I wouldn't want something that's been done a million times before me. I'd like my wedding to be unique, and I love those two colours," Mum responded patiently, flicking through the catalogue. I could tell from the way she turned the pages too quickly that she wasn't taking any of it in.

       "Yes, but you wouldn't want the reception to look amateurish. Pre-organised themes would be a safe bet and less risky. The reception would look be-yootiful." Marcy leaned forward intently, using her hands to emphasise her words. The amount of times she had used the word 'be-yootiful' was so insane that I had begun counting. It seemed to me like it would probably be a whole lot easier for her if Mum went for one of the themes in the catalogue and it'd save her a lot of work. I didn't see anything 'risky' at all in Mum's chosen colours.

       "I really would like to have a say in what my wedding would actually be like." Mum's smile was becoming more forced by the second and her voice was notably more brittle. I was beginning to find the entire situation a little amusing.

      Jack's head was going back and forth between the two women; the poor guy was obviously out of his element. I could tell Mum just wanted to get out of here. This consultation was going downhill fast.

       "Mum, I just got a text from Maddy. She really needs my help with something, could we leave a little early?" I lied, giving everyone an easy out. Mum nodded eagerly, obviously sensing my lie and eager to get out of there. Marcy turned towards me eagle-eyed. Yeesh, she was kind of scary. She looked noticeably displeased as her lips curled up, realising that she wouldn't be hired.

       "I'll think about what you said," Mum informed her, standing up. Jack and I followed suit. "I have your number and I'll get back to you." Mum shook her hand politely. Jack led the way out, and Mum let loose as soon as she felt we were no longer in hearing distance. "Oh my gosh, that was awful!"

       "I think you should definitely look around and find someone else," I told her, nodding.

       "My wedding should be about me and what I want. I shouldn't have to listen to her dictating me about what I should and shouldn't do. Risky my ass! You don't think those two colours are 'risky' do you? My fashion sense isn't that bad."

       "Of course it isn't. We'll find someone else." Jack soothed, putting a comforting arm around her.

      "Personally, I think you should find someone much more passionate about the wedding business, and organising a spectacular day for you." I linked my arm with hers, on the other side of Jack.


      Mum would not be consoled and for the next month, she made it her mission to seek out every highly recommended wedding planner in the city. But after a disastrous tasting session that left Mum and Jack with food poisoning for three days, she decided that they'd do the planning by themselves.

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