Chapter Twenty - Confessions

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          "Wow," I said, as I took in the scene before me. It was dark out, but there were various lights and lamps scattered across the roof and the ambience was amazing. It was nicely warm out, and music played from the large speakers around the roof. We weren't the only people out there. I could make out a couple near the lounge area and there were some girls in the pool, but it wasn't too loud or busy, thankfully.

          "Pool?" Drew suggested with his hand still clasped in mine.

          "How about the Jacuzzi over there?" I tilted my head in that direction, having just noticed it.

          "Sure." We walked over to it and I waited until I knew he was watching before pulling the t-shirt over my head and letting it drop to the floor. I climbed into the Jacuzzi and sighed as its heat hit me. It was overwhelming at first, but my body relaxed and became accustomed to it soon enough. I looked up to see Drew pulling his shirt over his head. Whoa. His abs were amazing and he was supporting a six-pack that had me wanting to run my fingers over it. Now that he was shirtless, I could also see the slight bulges on his arms more prominently. He wasn't as bulky and as some guys tended to get, but I liked that he was built but not too buff. My memory of him shirtless in bed that day he was sick didn't do him justice.

          He threw his shirt down next to mine, and settled in closely to me in the Jacuzzi. Likewise, he stiffened as the heat hit him, before softening considerably. 

         "How often do you work out?" I asked him. In the past month, he'd only mentioned going to the gym a few times, not near enough for him to be supporting the body he did now.

          "A couple of times a week." Drew shrugged, putting an arm round me.

          We spent the next forty minutes in there, just laughing and talking about nothing. I loved the way he would lean down at random intervals and place a quick kiss on my lips. For someone who had never really been in a relationship before, he was doing a spectacular job. Not that we were in a relationship. We hadn't even gone on a date yet. But we were already so comfortable around one another in just a few short days. It felt natural, effortless and I was loving every minute of it.

           "Maybe we should get out. I don't wanna turn into a prune," I suggested after a while. With us being stuck in that lift for over two hours, and the time we'd spent in the tub, it was getting close to midnight. Mum would expect us to be up early tomorrow, so we should probably be heading to bed.

           "You would still be beautiful, even with wrinkles," he told me. He gave compliments so easily now that we were together, but he still found them hard to take himself.

           "Suck up. You're just saying that," I said, as he climbed out of the Jacuzzi. I leaned my chin against the edge of it as I watched him use a towel to dry off.

           "Fifty years down the line and I'll still be saying the same thing." He turned to me and held out a hand to help me get up. I took it, a little dazed as I got to my feet. I wasn't sure whether he'd realised what he said. He had implied that we'd still be together in fifty years. Well, kind of.

          The thought left me feeling warm inside.

          I put my shirt back on once I'd dried myself too, and as we walked back inside, we passed a euphoric Joel, who was lounging on a couch with his arms around two blondes that were hanging onto every word that came out of his mouth. He actually had the nerve to wink at me as we walked passed, causing Drew to lean over and grab my hand. I didn't mind. I actually found jealousy in a guy kind of cute at times. It was only when it occurred too often and was on the verge of antagonistic that it became too much to handle.

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