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         "Drew," I whispered. "Drew," I said louder. He shifted slightly in his sleep, his face nuzzling my chest as he mumbled some nonsense. "For god's sake, Drew!" I shoved him roughly. Years later and he was still the heavy sleeper he'd always been.

         The room was enshrouded in darkness, but some light from the hallway seeped through from the bottom of the bedroom door.

         "What?" He blinked sleepily at me and the expression on his face was so cute that I couldn't help but place a quick kiss on his lips.

         He kissed me back enthusiastically, his hands starting to roam up and down the t-shirt I wore. It was actually one of his; I'd forgotten to bring any sleepwear with me. "That isn't why I woke you up! The baby's crying," I told him, pushing him away. 

         I'd just been woken up by the sound of her cries and I'd switched the baby monitor off. But, I really didn't have it in me to get up and out of the warm bed, hence why I was waking Drew up.

         He groaned, his face slipping into a pout as he leaned back. "Just tease me why don't you?" he moaned melodramatically.

         "Shut up." I pushed him away from me and then dragged him closer so I could kiss his cheek.

         "See? You're so mean to me." He shook his head but smiled tiredly at me.

         "Go on then," I said after a beat of silence, when Drew had nestled back down as though to go back to sleep. The bed was new so it was extremely comfortable. My study in Mum's house had been an empty room for the past few years until Mum had decided to convert it into another guest room. Everything was new and the bed was heavenly.

         "Go on what?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

         "Zoe needs to be fed," I told him.

         "I hate to break it to you angel, but I don't exactly have the right equipment for that sort of thing." Drew laughed.

         "Haha, you're hilarious. I hadn't noticed. Go bring her to me."

         "You're so demanding," Drew teased playfully, sighing as he got up.

         He needn't have bothered though as the door suddenly opened and Connor stood there with a wailing Zoe wrapped up in a blanket in his arms. "She was crying," he explained, glaring at the two of us balefully.

         "Thanks kiddo. I was just going to get her." Drew smiled at him. Mum and Jack had adopted him a few years ago, and the twelve-year-old brat was part of the family. The sentiment was a complete waste as the arrogant little toe-rag just continued to glower in our direction. I was torn between annoyance at his attitude and amusement at the way his dark hair stuck out in every direction.

         "Well next time get there quicker!" he huffed, handing the baby over. "You may not be able to but I can hear her screaming from my bedroom!"

         He walked off, slamming the door behind him. Drew and I both used to bolt towards Zoe's room every time we heard her cry for the first month, but we'd since learned that she was usually fine except irritably hungry.

         "Cheeky brat," I said. "That room used to be mine before it was his."

         "You're terrible at sharing," Drew said, shaking his head as he handed over our wailing four-month-old daughter after placing a quick kiss on her cheek.

         "I was an only child for most of my life!" I defended.

         I lifted the t-shirt I was wearing and brought Zoe closer to me. She latched onto my breast immediately and her cries quieted.

Life As I Know It (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now