Chapter Twenty-four - Verdict

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        "What happened?" I mouthed at Drew as soon as the door closed behind Mrs Baker.

          He just shrugged, inclining his head towards the secretary who was eyeing us all like hawks. Didn't she have something better to do? I don't know... like her job? I sighed and slumped into my seat. I began humming to myself after fifteen minutes of doing nothing but staring at a blank wall.  I stopped when a short, plump women came storming into the hall. She was out of breath from exertion and headed straight towards the secretary at her desk. "I got a call telling me to come to school? What's going on? Is my son okay?" she asked, frantically shooting questions at her.

          I looked down the hall at the boy on the floor - the one that Drew had gotten into a fight with - and guessed that she was his mother. I could also deduce that he was really embarrassed right now. She seemed like she was the really overprotective type. I glared at him as he passed by me and headed towards his mum. I didn't have anything against him, but he'd gotten into a fight with my boyfriend. I was allowed to hate him on principle alone.

          They conversed for a while before his mum headed into Mrs Baker's office, shooting a glare at Drew as she did so. The guy went back to his seat further down the hall.

          We all waited for a further ten minutes and in that time, both Mum and Jack had arrived. They headed immediately towards us, ignoring the secretary who had risen from her seat to greet them.

           "What's going on? Are you okay?" Jack asked in concern. Looking at his son, he took in his bruising eye.

           "What did you do now, Ellie?" Mum glared at me. The difference in greetings was apparent. Drew was the one who looked like he'd been in a scrapper, but Mum was looking at me accusingly, not him. Thanks a lot for the vote of confidence mother, I thought a little sardonically.

          The door of the office opened then, saving me from coming up with an explanation. The mother from before walked briskly towards the exit – she looked even more pissed now than she had when she'd first talked to her son. He – whatever his name was – got up from the floor and quickly hurried out after her, throwing a fleeting glare at Drew as he did so.

           "Hello. I'm Moira Devlin, Ellie's mum," Mum introduced herself, shaking Mrs Baker's hand. Jack followed suit and did the same. Mr Baker gestured for them to follow her into her office.

          The silence in the hallway was loud. I could hear faint murmurings coming from the office and I strained to hear what was being said. Mum could be fairly strict about discipline at times and I had a feeling that today would be one of those times. She would probably shoot me disappointed looks and go on about how I needed to grow up. I wondered what Jack would do. He was so much more laidback compared to Mum.

          The door opened a short while later and after the three adults at the door exchanged pleasantries, Mum turned to the two of us. "Come on."

          I said a quick goodbye to Kelley before following Mum and Jack. Drew walked next to me as we headed outside. I could tell they'd both come straight from work: Mum was in a work suit, as was Jack. Both of them carried briefcases.

           "So? What's the verdict?" I braced myself for Mum's wrath.

           "You're both suspended for a day." Mum looked sternly at both of us. I rarely got 'the eyes' from Mum, but now I could tell she was a mixture of angry and disappointed in me. "Ellie, Drew, I..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "I have to get back to work."

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