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Samantha's eyes were wide in anticipation of what Madison would respond with. She had just explained everything to her, including how Leo had just asked her to lunch.

"Go!" Madison squealed. "I'll get an Uber to drive home, and you can take one too!"

"Oh my god, I'm going on a date with Leonardo DiCaprio!" Samantha yelled, quickly covering her mouth with her hands. Madison giggled and shook her head, wrapping her arms around her best friend, and pulling her into a hug.

"Have fun." Madison said with a wink before walking out of the door, and closing it behind her.

Samantha sprayed on some of her favorite perfume, and glossed her lips. She combed and brushed her hair, and soon, she was ready for her rendezvous.

She nervously walked back onto the set, now wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt instead of her dress from the show. Leo didn't notice at first, focused on something on his phone. Samantha cleared her throat, causing him to look up immediately, a soft smile covering his face.

"Ready to go?" He questioned, standing up and walking towards her.

Samantha nodded in response, but couldn't stop thinking about how lovely Leo truly was. The way his blue eyes sparkled as he talked about the limo they were taking caused Samanthas heart to flutter. The man she had longed for since she was a little girl was with her, guiding her to his limo.

"So, the drives going to be a bit long, what do you want to talk about?" Leo asked, patting the seat next to him. Sam had nervously chosen to sit across from him, so when he offered for her to sit next to him, she scurried over quickly.

"I don't know, up to you."

"Okay, well let's talk about my movies, I want to see how big of a fan you really are." Leo smirked.

Samantha raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge, DiCaprio?"

"Maybe... So, you already said you like Basketball Diaries and Wolf of Wall Street—"

"—Correction, I love them." Samantha interrupted.

Leo chuckled. "Okay, what about Catch Me if You Can?"

"Good, I cried pretty hard."


"Not my favorite, but it wasn't bad."

"The Revenant?"

"Honestly, I didn't like it, sorry." Samantha said with a shrug.

Leo's mouth immediately dropped open. "That's my Oscar winning film!" He exclaimed, causing Sam to laugh.


"Okay, I bet you won't get this one."

"Hit me."

Leo looked up and locked his eyes with Samantha's, wetting his lips with his tongue. "Revolutionary Road."

"I loved it." Sam said proudly, smirking and not breaking eye contact with the man next to her.

"Well then! I guess you are my biggest fan." Leo gave up, shocked that she had seen so many of his films.

"What can I say? I'm sorta proud, honestly." Samantha laughed, putting her hands up in a playful surrender.

"You should be."

Silence stretched between the two for a moment, both of them lost deep in thought.

"So where are we going?"

"Small little hole-in-the-wall diner, mostly elderly people, they don't freak out about me there." Leo said softly.

"I heard what you said about fame in an interview, you don't like it, do you?" Samantha said, noticing the bit of sadness in Leonardo's eyes.

"I love acting, don't get me wrong. But constantly being noticed and drooled over isn't exactly the best."

"I'm basically drooling over you, you good with that?" Samantha joked, earning an immediate laugh from Leo.

"Perfectly fine."

The limo pulled to a stop, indicating that they had arrived.

"Mr.DiCaprio, we're here!" The driver said after opening the door.

Leo got out of the car and straightened out his suit. Samantha stepped out of the car, grinning when she saw Leonardo holding his arm out for her to take.

"Shall we go, my lady?"

Samantha giggled, her cheeks red. "We shall."



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