surprise visit

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          5,000 years as a vampire... it sucks. I'm not your traditional blood-sucking demon oh no they were all exiled to Romania and small islands, I feed on memories I usually have to steal these memories because ,well no one willingly  gives up their memories, so I end up starving myself and end up eating 3 drunk men entire memories starting from the day they were born till a recent time like... two days ago or something. One day something strange happened I got a visit, even stranger it was a human girl, but the thing that really threw me off is what she said " Hey are you... umm... Eva?""who's asking?" I really can't give my identity away to a complete stranger psssshh i ain't stupid. " OH I'm Vennesa but my... friends call me Venny and I heard you feed on... memories" " No I don't that's a myth" who is she and how did she hear about me? "PLEASE I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS I-I-I NEED TO to forget, forget evERYTHING!!" I stared at her, examined every aspect of her, she looked terrified, pathetic, helpless,... cute... WAIT WHAT?!?!? "On one condition" what am I doing? " you be my friend Venny and you have to live with me" I mean i can't just leave a 13 year old wandering senseless out in the streets "DEAL" she says almost immediately " wait a minute..." didn't she say she had friends? what about her family they'll be concerned about her and everything will lead to me and I'll have to deal with the police department and that's just a hassle " what about your friends and family? wouldn't they worry?" I see her expression turn dark, her eyes threaten with tears. " M-My family is dead... and so are my... friends" Damn this girl had it rough no wonder she wants to forget " ... sorry for your loss Venny but... the sooner i do this the better yeah?" she hugs me tightly " thank you" she whispers before she goes limp. 

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