Roller coaster of life

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Sitting at my own funeral and as the time passes on with me being the only one there and the pastor on his phone till it's almost time for him to leave. He puts down his phone and sighs " poor kid no one came to say goodbye... may god bl-" "WAIT IM SORRY IM LATE" my... ex she came... why? She walks to my coffin revealing a single lily puting in my breast pocket "hey ummm sorry im late... my boyfriend wouldn't let me leave the house... he actually does that a lot to where I never leave for almost a month" she's struggling to keep her tears from spilling. I stare at her noticing her bruises and a small cut by her throat "you're probably seeing wondering what i'm doing here or why i have so many bruises... well he does hit me but I guess it's my fault y'know that i'm a clutz. And umm i'm here because... " she finally lets out all the pain she kept inside with the most heartwrenching sobs you ever heard. " ... because i miss you. I miss you a lot, I miss the way we laughed and cuddled, the way you would make sure i was ok with you proceding to kiss me and maybe take it a step further, and if i wasn't you would smile and just kiss between my eyes and suggest we watch The princess bride." she giggles as I smile at the thought of how many times we watched that movie "I don't know how you didn't get tired of that movie... I just miss you... I miss us... i should have never broken up with you, never push you out of my life just because i was... i was diagnosed with bipolar depression... yeah i have that and i thought you would have hated me for being a freak but now i realise that you would've loved me even more and would've taken care of  me not like the guy i'm with now he won't let me take my pills says that they're stupid and too expensive..." "miss im sorry to interrupt but we must take him to the graveyard you can continue to talk to him  there." that pastor stats " i see her slowly nod "alright" she walks with the gravemen to where i'm supposed to be buried. I watch as they slowly lower my casket the pastor says his prayer as she just stands there staring at my grave stone. The pastor leaves and once he does she collapsed in front of the gravestone sobbing once more this time i hug her whispering in her ear " I love you Misty" I hear her gasp in response and start to sob more violently choking on her words "I-I lov-love you to Marvin" she wipes her eyes "I um hope you don't mind me putting on make-up i know you didn't really like me wearing it but the guy im with says im ulgy without it, plus i can't let him know i was crying he'll slap me for being weak... you're probably wondering why im with him if he treats me so badly and it's because i'm trapped... i can't leave him i'm too scared of what he'll do when I leave so I stay I stay with him till someone can save me... you know before I heard what happen I wanted that person to be you..." tears slowly escape from her eyes " but now you can't and i'm alone again" she gets up and I see a sturdy guy with light brown hair and silver eyes. Now i know why she was oringally intrigued by him. He grabs her by the arm "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SLUT?!? YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE GOING TO TALK TO A CLOSE FRIEND YOU GANNA START LYING TO ME NOW HUH?!?!?!?" " N-no I'm n-not lying I-I was talking to a close fr-friend they-they just died recently an-and i wanted to say goodbye... you'll let me say goodbye right?" he slaps her across the face " of course im not heartlessss" he replys making the 's' sound like a hissing snake he takes out a knife and quickly slices her in the side not to deep to cause any real damage but her shriek in pain was enough for a graveman to hear and call the cops and an abulance. He continues to beat and yell insults at her when he hears sirens he tries to run away but the graveman who called stopped him till he was arrested and my Misty taken in the ambulance. I smile
*one year later*
Misty found a girlfriend turns out she's bi. She also visits me everyday if not at least twice a week always telling me about her day and how even if she has someone new next to her I'm the one who's always in her heart. I follow her around. I was there for her wedding, when she adopted her first, and second child the eldest a girl named Marney and the youngest a boy named Max. I watch them all grow up Misty growing more beautiful with her wife. Their kids growing rapidly into smart,  respectful, beautiful, charming adults. Misty's wife died first at the age of 75. We meet in the afterlife and became good friends making bets on when Misty would do something I would usually win but there are times when she's right. At Misty's final days she would see me more often and tell me not to cry since this means she'll be joining me very soon and I would give her a small smile. Misty died at age 87. I like to think she lived a long life and now that she's with me once more we're happy together. Misty's wife though got recarnated into someone new. So it's just me and her living what she calls happly ever after but i happly ever afterlife.

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