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Being in class is absolute torture. Of course it's a privilege to have a free education ,but must the teachers teach us the most boring topic in the most monotone voice? I feel myself drift off to sleep.
I see darkness all around me it's just me floating then i see a bright light it quickly engulfs me. I open my eyes and im back in class everything is normal to say the least but something seems off perhaps it the fact that the guy next to me is doing his work. Or the girl in front of me no longer smells like weed. I hear the bell ring i walk to my next class. My rival ,Taylor, in absolutely everything walks past me and as we pass each other she gets her stuff knocked over. Of course as a good person i am I help to pick it up. We touch hands for about a milisecond when she kisses me on the cheek and grabs the rest of her stuff leaving me stunned. I get up and continue to walk to my class. I see my boyfriend talking to a girl, which im not concerned about he is popular, then before i could take another step this girl grabs him by the collar smashing his lips onto hers. I was about to slap this girl until he pulled away and responed with something i didn't expect " sorry doll i'm gay~" exaggerating the gay part " really what about your little girlfriend?" "she's just so my parents don't suspect me and my 'best friend' hanging out almost everyday" "KYLE WTF WE DATED FOR ALMOST A YEAR NOW AND YOU'RE GAY FOR WHAT ALL OF IT AND USING ME JUST TO GET YOUR PARENTS OFF YOUR BACK?!?!?!" "Stacy... babe chill" "DON'T TELL ME TO CHILL YOU ASSHAT!!!" i storm out of the class to bump into Taylor she gives me this look of empathy and compassion and quickly hugs me "Did you know?" i entreat " That he was gay? Yeah but i thought he was bi or something. I didn't know that he cheated on you though." she answers. I sigh "tha-" a loud bell and everything quickly fades
*Exit dreamland*
I wake up to see everyone leaving class and so I pick up all my stuff and i see Taylor we make eye contact and somebody knocks her stuff on the ground. I stand there for a second and go to help her then our hands brush against each other and as if on cue she kisses my cheek but instead of just walking off she smirks at me then sashayed away. I stare at her for a good 30 seconds till i walk to my next class scared for what i'm about to see. I see Kyle talking to his best friend Chris then before i could even blink i see them kiss. I walk towards them " So it's true you guys are dating..." Kyle turns to me looking like a deer in headlights " Stacy... it-it's not what it looks like" i snicker at his response " really? Cause it looks like my boyfriend for what? A year? Already has a boyfriend which is Oh no his "best friend"" using my fingers to do the air quotes on "best friend" " but ba- im sorry Kyle it's fine it's 2018 you do you" i walk out of class and when i know that he or anyone else can't see me i collapsed on the ground and start crying. I feel a pair of arms hold me I turn to see who it is and it's Taylor. " you took that quite well in front of a crowd I would've screamed" she stats, I laugh at the comment " yeah well no matter i'm here on the dirty floor crying over a guy that probably didn't even like me" i sniffle " you're right. Let's get you off that dirty floor" she get up and holds out her hand, which i gladly accept. "Wanna hang later? To like eat ice cream and make a list of terrible names we can call kyle and whatnot?" " yeah i'd like that... thanks Taylor.

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