Not a hero , Just a fighter

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She clutches on me trembling against her tears. " i thought- i thought i could handle it, i was wrong, so wrong" I look into her eyes and what i saw was a soul-crushing you could tell she has seen something no one should have seen, her once electric blue eyes dulled out with exhaustion and misery turning them into a cool gray as if those monsters took her soul and colorful world with them, tears glossing over them making it harder not to pity her. Her hair scorched at the ends with several burn marks all over her body most of them being 2nd degree but her forearms being painted with 3nd degree burns with dried blood making the injury look more gruesome and make you wonder how she kept fighting after being exposed to such heat. Then there's the scars- so many scars one long one across her neck, a failed attempt to get rid of her... they didn't go deep enough... you can't get of her that easily, one deep cut across her chest then making a sharp turn towards her stomach as if they were going for the heart first but she fought once more interrupting their original plan and making everything a living hell for everyone in that room including her. *flashback* She knew that if she didn't do something now that they'll take out her heart so she squirmed upwards making the knife go deeper with every inch it went downwards, away from her heart, closer to her hand reaching for it and quickly hack away her restraints and unleashing an ear-piercing shriek dissolving them into black sandy ozze *end flashback* i feel her pulse beating slowing down to a clam pace, her breaths evening out, her tears flowing more slowly. I smile at her "you did it... you fought even when you couldn't fight anymore you fought-" i choke on my own sobs now " you saved all of us even though you just tried to save me... i love you so so much." I look at our destroyed home remembering how it looked before everything the things we would do together, how simple she wanted our dates to be, the way she would sing on top of her lungs and no one would complain because how could they? Her voice was beautiful in every way just like her body, though she never let me see her past  two-piece during the summer times. Her face now softening all the terrors and worries leaving her as she falls into a deep sleep, a sleep she long deserved. I carry her to her cot laying her down, kissing her forehead hoping for a better tomorrow.

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