angel taken

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*Valeri's mom P.O.V* 

 pushing with all my might I feel my child finally out. Panting I see her beautiful face ... and wings, AN ANGEL... my angel I hear the doctor yell " we got the 9th take her to headquarters!!" " WAIT WHAT?!?!?!? NO GIVE ME MY CHILD!!! I GAVE BIRTH TO HER I SPENT 9 MONTHS MAKING SURE SHE SURVIVED YOU PUT ME ON BED REST BECAUSE SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO DEATH, I WANT MY CHILD!!!!" the doctor stares at me " ma'am I'm sorry but you can't raise her we have to take her away I-" " NO I WILL RAISE MY CHILD YOU CAN'T TAKE HER AWAY I DON'T CARE WHERE YOU'RE PLANNING TO TAKE HER BUT WHERE SHE GOES I GO" I grab the doctor by his collar "Do you understand" "y-yes" " good now... my child?" I hold my arms signaling to give me my child they do so. Satisfied I look towards the doctor who is still a little shaken by my outburst " so doc where are we going?" ~~the next week~~ they take us to this tall building that's looks like a mixture of a hospital and the white house. As we walk towards the door I look at my beautiful daughter fast asleep smiling my valeri my angel I will never leave you I promise. A guard lets us in and this place is absolutely breathtaking, everything is so clean and sparkling I'm afraid to touch anything. A gentleman escorts me to the main office to speak with- whoever is in charge. I'm lead to this large oak door with a plaque with the words " Director Julian van Laar"... that name sounds so familiar... I knock once softly and i hear a booming voice that had a dutch accent " come in madam" I open the door to see an room painted with faded purple and gold printing of vines all over the walls and a case holding different types of horns and feathers, a large wooden desk with neat piles of papers here and there and a laptop I saw advertised once. And a large leather chair turned away from me until it spins to reveal a man around his mid twenties " Madam welcome now I hear that you refuse to give up your child and volunteer to raise it..." he looks at his paper and grins " y-yes that is correct" I see him stand " well that wonderful!! You see we are running low on staff and who better to take care of the children than a mother..." he pauses and looks into my eyes " one thing bothers me though..." " And that is??" "DON'T INTERRUPT ME!!!" I take a step back. He regains his posture and laughs " you can see why I'm not the one taking care of them. As I was saying, the thing that bothers me is you don't know what to do when it finishes their test, you won't know why it eats so much, you won't know how to heal its wings when get bruised or broken now will you? You my lady know nothing" I start to notice that he won't acknowledge my child as a girl or human, I also notice he gets angrier " Sir where are you going with this?" I hold Valeri a little tighter bouncing her a little faster, trying to sooth while this conversation is getting more unnerving by the minuet " can I see it" I realize he's talking about valeri I grab to her tighter and shake my head " I'm sorry but I'd rather not wake her" I see him take something out of his pocket. A needle he stabs me in the arm and injects a liquid in me. I start to feel drowsy, I feel myself fall but I don't feel valeri I try to yell her name but it comes as a whisper and everything goes black

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