No idea

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"She's no hero she's left her family so they could die and she tried to clear her consinse by "saving" others who-" SMACK " excuse me all those people are alive- because of her. Her family was taken away and she tried everything in her power to get them back and she did it within a week and when she found them they were shot THeRe WAS NOTHING SHE COULD'VE DONE TO SAVE HER FAMILY BUT SHE KNEW THAT SHE DIDN'T HAVE THE LUXURY TO GRIEVE SHE STILL HAD MILLIONS OF PEOPLE TO SAVE, NOW SHE'S AT THE CEMETERY FINALLY HAVING THE TIME TO BE HUMAN AND GRIEVE. SO YOU CAN SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO YOUR FAMILY THAT SHE JUST SAVED" they looked at her with both fear and outrage. With a grunt they left, leaving her with hot angry tears falling from her face " oh val if they only what pain you suffered" she whispered to the sky

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