Part 1 the first day

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Sofia- ever wonder why your the only girl on earth. well this is how my story start off it was just and oranary day at school I was late as alway people start staring at me like I'm a frickin lonitic that's at school? People always try to say your fat, your stupid, go kill yourself, and me on the other hand well I started crying in the bathroom try to pray to God telling Him why am I like this lord tell me why?

I cry and cry for so long that I start throwing up a lot in the toilet.

(Knock knock)

Sofia-Go away!!! I have enough of your shit that you put up with so please now is not the time God help me!

Leiani- are you ok in there your been in the bathroom forever Sofia what happened?

This is Leiani she is one of my best friend in kindergarten all the way to fifth grade she live eight blocks away from me and she is and kind and loving friend that I ever had she like and older sister to me?

Sofia-"sorry it just that I hate the pain that in me I just want to kill myself Leiani I can't take it anymore of this nonsense I pray in my room a lot of time to suffer all the thing that people are saying to me on my social media Leiani what do I do!!

Leiani-Sofia open the door so we can see face to face I promised I don't bite I am one of your friends?

"As I open the door slow and steady I saw my friend Leiani and I try to cry but with her I knew I can trust her we been friend  forever and I know she won't break a promise and I know that God has a plane for her"

Sopfia- I need to get back to class before someone caught me in the hallway let go Leiani fast.

Ok said Leiani?

As we walk back to class my hand we're starting to sweat. My face felt wet. like went I was swimming.  My feet started to  shaking like a puppet?

Everyone start looking at my one girl start to steal my desk the other we're all ready take by my worst nightmare of all Dominique

Well well well if it isn't sopfia or should I said stupid sopfia!
Said (Dominique )

Now is not the time just because I pour Mac in cheese on your forehead does it mean you have to be mad about it. It was a stupid mistake I made when I was in 3th grade do you really have to bring that up I don't want to hear the shit all over again you are suck a mean bitch that what you are.

Leiani come on sopfia let go I buy you lunch please?

Ask I walk away I only thing I can stand is
That girl talking crap about me
But lucky for me I was alway with Leiani eating lunch with her eveyday

She is my bestie-sister we have made huge mistake in our life but she different. Her parents got divorce so she live with her dad thing are going a little hard in her life as I hear her story it very sad to hear.

As I got home I ran to the stairs as lightning and locked the door.

(To be continued)

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