Part five going on a date with steven

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As I got ready for my date I start putting make up on I hear my brother singing in the shower I with music playing I cover my ear because it was too loud?

Sophia-turn the music off?

Freddy-what I can't hear you?

Sophia-turn the music off it killing my ears to hear that?


Doorbell ring ring!!

Grandma-you must be Steven come on in Sophia will be out shortly?

Steven-ok that you so much

Grandma-your welcome but please come me ofilea.

Grandma-some one here to see you mi ha

Sophia-Steven here that fast ok how do I look?

Grandma-you look beautiful give me a kiss?




Steven-Sophia wow you look wow

Sophia-do I have make up on my teeth?

Steven-no you don't we're gonna be late to our date shall we.

Sophia-let shall.

Grandma-by sweetheart!

Sophia-by grandma.

As I was walking with Steven we stop at this one restaurant that was by Hilton avenue it was. A fancy restaurant called the garden. It was my grandma favorite restaurant to eat there.

Waiters-how many?

Steven-table for two.

Waiters-right this way.

Ask I was walking to our table I kinda felt butterflies in my stomach I almost wanted to fart but I try to cover it.

As the waiters found out table he give us our menus.

Steven-everything ok?

Sophia-yes everything ok so many to choose from this menu.

Steven-if your hungry now I get a appetizer and we can order our dinner.

Sophia-ok sound good.

Waiter- ready to order

Steven-yes well start off with a appetizer with the cheese stick and garlic bread.

Waiter-ok coming right up.

Sophia-this is amazing restaurant it was my grandma favorite place. I never been here before only my grandma has when my grandma and grandpa were on there first date.

Steven-that cool my grandma took me here ever since my first birthday.

Sophia-that cool it feel like we have something in common already. You know I never wonder why I never seen you around a lot at school?

Steven-I'm always busy at wrestling practice we have a game going on that coming up I was wondering if you maybe want come let me know I know I don't wanna pressure you.

Sophia-ooo that cool I love to see you defeat  those heavy kids from other school.

Steven- I know I alway lose but I hope I win?

Sophia-don't worry I believe in you your going to win? Just trust me

Steven-really thank Sophia you know it feel like I'm enjoying my day with you already?

Waiter-ok here you appetizers you guys ready to order?

Steven-yes I'm going to order the pepperoni pizza?

Waiter-ok and for the lady?

Sophia- om I will try the salad please?

Waiter-ok coming up.

My heart started pumping so hard I got to have him to myself I just think that he's the one for me but I stop and think about it. I really don't know it it just a first time going on a date maybe he try to trick setting me up to pretend that we were date but it seems like he's was faking it all along?

"After I arrived home Steven walk me home even though it was just a fake we're just still friends"


But I always dream that he was my boyfriend?
Oo well I guess I never have one.

Steven-we'll we're here I really had a great time to get to know you?

Sophia-"thank you you to I got to go I have school tomorrow my grandma is worry about my"


Sophia-goodnight Steven.


Ask I walk through the door I close the door quietly because my grandma will wake? I tip toe quiletly and I saw my brother asleep nice and conferable.


~To be continued~

Hi guys so I just wanna say if you want to see what happens on the next chapter please
Like and comment on it trying to get a lot of comments as possible so remember to like my book and to toon into the next chapter.

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