6. Encounter with an enemy

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"W-Whose there?!" Kate asked, still shaking like a leaf. "I'm just a solitary wolf roaming around. You're lucky the rest of the pack isn't here." The voice said. Kate calmed down a little. The voice was clearly from a male wolf. It seemed youngish.
"Well.... come on out... "Kate said. The shadowy figure stepped out from the woods and there stood a tall wolf, having reddish-brown fur with evergreen eyes, which were as dark as a Christmas tree's leaves. "I'm Garth and you, my dear, happen to be in the Eastern wolves' territory. My dad and I are the only alphas in my pack." The wolf said. Kate said, "Oh, nice to meet you Garth. I'm Kate. One of the omegas in the Western pack. Sorry for trespassing by the way..... I only wanted some food for my pack because the prey has been scarce lately." "Okay, you... can have that caribou. We got plenty here." Garth replied. Kate thought for a moment, 'So the prey has moved the East, huh?'. "Well. Thanks Garth I appreciate it... "Kate said. "Welcome... Oh and before you leave, I have to warn you. Don't come here again.... especially when you're alone...if my dad sees you.... I don't even want to think of it..." Garth said, looking back into the woods. "Okay. I'm out of here." Kate said. She dragged the dead corpse of the caribou back to her pack's den.
When Kate arrived home, it was late evening and everybody came to greet her. "Kate! Where have you been all day?! I was so worried that something might have happened to you!" Lilly came and gave her elder sister a bone-crushing hug. "Lil-ly..... can't.... breathe..... "Kate mumbled. Lilly released her from the hug. "Heh sorry!" Lilly said. Kate breathed in lot of air and felt better. "Pheww... "She breathed. "Uh.... Kate what's that?" Winston asked her. Kate looked at the caribou, then back at Winston. "Oh-that's some food I got for you guys. Didn't want you to starve, so...." Kate said, trailing off. "Woah... That's huge!" Hutch observed it with widened eyes. "That's awesome Kate!" Humphrey said. "Thanks Humphrey!" Kate blushed. "Did you catch it by yourself?" Eve asked. "Well I uh... Yeah! I caught it!" Kate lied proudly. "Cool... " Humphrey said. "Your way better at hunting than Humphrey!" Shaky bolted out. "Shaky!" Humphrey said, embarrassed a bit. Kate just did her signature girly giggle. "Wow, Kate. Even though I'm your sister I never knew you were THAT strong!!!" Lilly gasped. "Uh heheh... "Kate just laughed it off. "Good job Kate. You've been a good help." Winston smiled at her. "Thanks sir!" Kate said happily. She never felt this honoured before. 'Guess this is what it's like to be an alpha... ' Kate thought. So she kept going with the idea that she was the one who took down the caribou. Alone.

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