7. Winston finds out

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A loud howl came from afar and Eve heard it. "Winston, honey, I think a wolf is calling you... ". Winston came out of the den and recognized the voice. "Its Tony. He wants to talk". Eve nodded at him. He howled back.

Winston met Tony near a river that parted their territories. "Well, well, well..... If it isn't Winston the thief!" Tony snarled. "What do you mean, Tony! I'm no thief!" Winston snarled back. "Oh really? Then who took my caribou? We hunted three today morning, and one is missing. The only territory close to ours, is yours!" Tony snapped. "Wait.... caribou? A kill?"

Then it struck Winston-Kate. She had brought a dead caribou today. She must've stolen it from the Northern pack. "Then hold on. Follow me". Winston went running towards the den and Tony followed behind.

"KAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!" Winston yelled at the top of his voice. Everyone turned their heads to Winston and Tony, who were both panting in exhaustion. They were eating the caribou. Kate came to see what was happening. Winston looked sternly at her and spoke, "You. Here. Now!!!". Kate gulped. 'Did they find out???' She thought nervously. "You were the one who stole the Northern pack's kill right?!" Winston said angrily. Everyone gasped. Lilly and Humphrey looked disappointed at Kate, wondering what would happen to her next.

"Its against pack laws to enter into another territory without permission and its even worse to steal what's not yours.... " Tony said, giving her a death glare. All the pack members stood with frowns on their faces. Some looked disgusted. Lilly walked up to Kate. "Kate, I can't believe you just lied to us.... to me..." Lilly said annoyed. "That's it. Your banished from this pack, Kate!" Winston said. He had serious temper issues sometimes.

"B-but sir, I-" "BANISHED!" Winston said. Kate's tail and ears fell. Lilly was deeply saddened and a tear left her eye. She watched as Kate walked away sadly not looking up at all. Not like anyone bothered to say goodbye either. They all had scowls on their faces. Except Kate's friends and sister. They were so shocked.

Hutch, her best friend asked her softly, "Why did you do this...?" Kate just shouted at him, "Its because I just wanted to be an alpha, ok?! I just want.... some attention and appreciation!!". Humphrey heard what she said and he felt sad. He realized what Kate felt. A frown made its way onto his face. Kate then ran into the forest, crying softly, until they couldn't see her anymore.

"Hmph. Good for her. And your pack. You shouldn't have such thieves in your clan." Tony said walking away. However he let the Western pack keep the kill.

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