8. Curing the heartbreak

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It was midnight and some wolves were gathered at Howling Rock. The others were roaming around the den, hanging out with other wolves. Humphrey found this as a good opportunity to sneak out and search for Kate.

When he was out of the den area he looked around for her. "KATE!!!! KATE??! WHERE ARE YOU!! IT'S ME! HUMPHREY!!!! KAAAATE!". But there was no reply yet.

Humphrey ventured deeper into the forest looking for his friend. Suddenly, he got her scent. "Hmm... *sniff sniff* that's her!". He followed the scent until he heard someone else sniff. "Huh? That wasn't me sniffing. That was someone else... is that Kate?". He went closer to the source of the sniffing noise and found Kate sitting on a log which was near a small waterfall.

"She's good at finding beautiful hiding places... "Humphrey murmured to himself. He went near her and spoke tenderly, "Hey Kate.... I just came here to see if you're ok.. ". Kate's hackles stood up when she heard her crush's voice. "H-Humphrey?! What are you doing here?!!!?!?" She jumped.

"I was worried about you, so I snuck out to find you", he replied calmly, walking near her and sitting close to her. Kate blushed madly. She was all alone with her crush sitting close to her. Not a soul to be seen but just the two of them. The night was silent. There seemed to be no crickets around. The only noise that surrounded their ears was the peaceful waterfall.

"It's ok Humphrey. I'm ok. Its just my fault. You don't have to get involved in this.... " Kate said. "Of course I can if I want to. I'm your friend and the future leader of the pack, heheh!" Humphrey smiled at her. Kate cheered up a bit. "Yes! That's the cheerful Kate I know!" Humphrey said. Kate felt a little better. Only Humphrey could make her world bright when she was down.(No offense to Hutch and Lilly though..... XD).

Suddenly, Humphrey heard the sound of footsteps. They were not alone after all, were they? "Kate... I think someones here... Watching us... "Humphrey got in front of Kate to protect her. Kate whispered, "I think I hear something too.... ".

Out of the bushes, a tranquilizer suddenly shot out and hit Kate. "OW!" Kate winced in pain as it hit her back leg. "Kate? Are you ok?!" Humphrey asked. The tranquilizer started working its magic. Kate felt wierd and high. "Ooooooooh Humphrey!!!!!! You look great!!!!!" Kate bolted out. Humphrey was creeped out. "Kate??" "And such cute ears!!!" She said, dazed out, using her right paw to tickle his ears and play with them. Humphrey was taken aback by tingling sensation and asked her, "Uhh thanks first of all.... But uh... ". Kate then rubbed her entire body against his neck and walked around him, still looking derpy. Humphrey smiled a bit because her fur felt very soft. "Kate.... What has happened to y-OUCH!!!" Another tranquilizer hit Humphrey's back. "Owww-again with the butts!!! These mosquitoes are out of controllllllllllll.... "Humphrey said as he started dazing out as well.
"Humphreeeeeey..... I'll meet you on Mars... right after I eat the milky waaaaay~"Kate blabbered, falling to the ground. "That sounds goooooood"Humphrey replied looking derpy too, with his spit drooling out of his mouth. He was too dazed to see where he was walking, and fell off the log near Kate. Then, they both fell asleep, thanks to the effects of the tranquilizer.

Two men came out from the bushes. "Okay! Round 'em up! These wolves seem big enough for the job". They said, as they picked Kate and Humphrey and put them into cages and loaded them in their truck. Then they drove away.....

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